Chapter Twenty Eight

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Pressing her heels into your hands, the sorceress laughed wickedly.

Screaming from the pain, you lifted yourself and hit your head against hers as hard as you could, knocking her out.

Climbing back up, you lied on the grass, exhausted.

Olaf and Sven ran towards you. "Are you okay?"

You hugged Olaf. "Yeah. Don't worry about me. I have to get to Elsa."

Olaf let you lean on him, and the three of you made your way to Elsa.

Anna was hovering over Elsa. You immediately dropped onto the ground, looking at Elsa.

Her beautiful, platinum blonde hair was turning black, and she was paler than usual.

Elsa looked into your eyes, saying your name.

"Shh, don't talk my love. Everything will be okay." You said, leaning down and kissing her.

Elsa's lips were ice cold. "I-I love you."

A tear fell from your face. "I love you too. Come on, we have to get you to Grand Pabbie."

Seeing as you were too weak from the ritual, Kristoff carried Elsa to the sled.

Just as Anna was going to hook Sven to the sled, the sorceress came to.

You noticed, and ran at her. The sorceress blasted a red spike at you, and you failed to dodge.

Oddly enough, it didn't hurt you. It just passed straight into you.

The witch smirked. "Good luck dealing with your curse, peasant."

Before you could ask, Sven came running, and pushed the sorceress off the cliff.

You mounted the sled, and all of you headed towards the trolls.

A little later, you arrived to find Grand Pabbie waiting for you.

He placed a hand on Elsa's forehead. "She's been blasted by dark magic right in the heart. The only thing that could fix this is light."

You raised an eyebrow. "Light? What do you mean?"

"Light beats darkness. If we could find a way to get some light to battle off the dark in her heart, we could save her." Grand Pabbie replied.

"Where could we find that?" Anna asked desperately.

Grand Pabbie sighed. "I am afraid I do not know. If we do not find a way to cure Elsa, she will be turned into a ghost forever."

Everyone was extremely sad. Anna and Olaf cried, while Sven and Kristoff looked near tears.

You bent down to Grand Pabbie's level, holding back tears. "I don't know if this is even relevant to what's happening, but the sorceress blasted me with some strange, red spike. It didn't hurt, but she said something about a curse."

Grand Pabbie's eyes widened. He took your hands in his, examining them.

"Incredible. She gave you...the control over fire." He said.

Your eyes widened. "She cursed me with fire powers?"

Grand Pabbie nodded. "A curse, for those who do not learn to use it, but a blessing for those who control it. And this may be just what we need to save Elsa."

Anna perked up at this. "How? How can she save Elsa?"

Grand Pabbie put your hand on Elsa's heart. "Concentrate. Don't let the fear consume you. Love will guide you and your powers, as it did for Elsa."

Taking a deep breath, you leaned down and placed your lips on Elsa's cold ones. She was paler, colder, unresponsive, and it seemed almost as if her form was fading.

Kristoff gasped. A reddish light came from your palm and spread around Elsa's body.

Suddenly, you felt Elsa kiss you back, her body becoming warm and completely solid again.

Her eyes fluttered open, as her hair returned to a platinum blonde color.

You immediately checked her over. "Are you okay? Were you cold?"

Elsa smiled. "A little. But the cold never bothered me anyways."

You lightly shoved her, chuckling. The two of you got up, holding hands, and walked to the others.

It was time to make everything go back to normal. And it looked like you would have to start it off by telling everyone the truth about who you really are and where you came from.


There WILL be more chapters (I'm hoping about 10-20 more). I would love some feedback on if I'm doing too much violence and action, as I feel like I may have overdone it in the past few chapters. Any feedback will be appreciated.

I promise you a lot more fluff and Elsa love in the following chapters (ELSAAAAAAAA). I hope you've all been enjoying the story so far! (I hope y'all don't hate me for all those cliff hangers.)

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