Chapter Thirteen

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As soon as you arrived at the castle, one of Arendelle's army generals approached Elsa.

"Your majesty, I have grave news. It is urgent." He said.

"Calm down, Officer Lenin. Let us go into my office." Elsa replied.

"Have your guard come too. She may be able to help." The genral, Lenin, said.

The three of you quickly walked to Elsa's office.

"What is it, Lenin?" Elsa asked, slightly worried.

"We found a solider at our gates earlier. He was almost dead, covered in blood and scars. His badges indicate he is from the Kingdom of Ajar, one of our allies. He gave us a note, but died before we could help him." He said.

Elsa was paler than usual, and that was saying something. "Let me see the note."

General Lenin handed over the note, and Elsa worriedly read it.

"The Kingdoms of Yerrington, the Southern Isles, and Weaselton have come together to overtake the rest of us. They are asking for our aid in war."

Lenin nodded. "We have no choice. If we don't help them, our people could be in great danger."

Elsa sighed. "Then war might be the only choice we have. Are we prepared to send out troops to fight?"

"Yes, Queen Elsa. What I am worried about is you." He said.

"I have (y/n) to guard me. Do not worry." Elsa said.

Lenin turned to you. "Do you have any experience with war?"

You thought about it. Back in the modern world, you had been drafted for the army. Ever since 2050, girls were drafted into the army as well as boys. You never went to war, but you knew the basics.

"Yes. I'm a trained solider. I almost became a general, but I left the military before that happened." You said.

"That sounds very good. Do you think you could protect all the royal members of the family?" He asked.

You nodded. "Don't worry about that. I would be willing to fight in the war, if it came to that. Protecting Elsa and her family should not be too hard of a task."

Lenin nodded. "Hopefully, it won't come to you having to fight too. But we don't know how powerful our enemies are."

Elsa interrupted you two. "We don't need protection. They won't dare kill the Queen or her family, will they?"

Lenin looked at you, not knowing what to say.

"Its impossible to know. The keys to war are strategy and being unpredictable. Better safe than sorry." You said.

Elsa huffed. "Alright. Fine. But I am not leaving the castle and hiding someplace else."

Lenin's worried look came back. "But-"

"That is what the Queen desires. Let her stay. Have a portion of the army stay here and guard Arndelle." You inturrupted.

Elsa smiled. "Thank you (y/n)."

Lenin bowed his head. "That is all, your majesty. When do we leave for the war?"

"The note says they need immediate help in the outlands of Ajar. Set out by horseback tomorrow at dawn. Dissmissed."

Lenin bowed and left.

Elsa looked at you. "It looks like we're going to war."

You hugged her, holding her close.

"Everything will turn out fine. I'm here to keep you and Anna safe." You said.

"What about the people? Arendelle? What if we lose?" Elsa asked, burying her head in your chest.

You sighed. "Hooefully, we will win, and no citizens will die."

Elsa nodded into your chest. You kissed the top of her head.

"I'll stand by you no matter what, Elsa."

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