Chapter Eleven

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As Elsa leaned towards you, she closed her eyes.

You copied her and let your lips touch.

Elsa's small lips fit right on yours. They felt kind of cool but not ice cold, and you were immediately addicted to it.

When Elsa began pulling away, you placed your hand on the back of her neck and pulled you towards you. She giggled a little before kissing you back.

This time, the kiss was deeper. It didn't have tongue, but it felt so intimate.

When both of you pulled away, you were out of breath.

Neither of you had realized that a crowd of servants, Olaf, Kristoff, and Anna were watching you.

They all started clapping. "About time Queen Elsa found a lover!" One of them shouted.

Both of you blushed and stepped away from each other.

"Don't worry guys! We're just watching! Please, go on." Anna said.

Elsa faked a yawn. "Well, I'm tired. I got to go. Close the gates, goodnight."

She left the room. You faced everyone. "I think I forgot something. I have to go find it, so, like, bye." You ran out the door.

You locked yourself in your room before falling on the bed. Did Elsa really just kiss you?

You fell asleep happily.

The next morning, you decided to get up early, which was rare for you. You walked around and helped the servants with their tasks because you didn't know what else to do.

Elsa saw you helping some servants and smiled. When you looked at her, you gave a shy smile and waved before finishing up what you and the servants were doing.

You walked over to Elsa and bowed your head.

"Hi. How did you, er, sleep?" You asked awkwardly.

"Better than usual. And you?" Elsa replied.

"Normal, I guess." You say, rubbing the back of your neck.

Elsa laughed softly and nodded. She walked away, going to the kitchen.

You didn't follow her, because you didn't want to come off as a desperate stalker.

Instead, you headed for the dungeon. Locked up in a cell was Prince Cire of Yerrington.

"You will pay for this, girl." Cire sneered.

You said nothing and sat down on the floor in front of the cell.

"Why, Prince Cire? Why did you try to rape Queen Elsa?" You asked calmly and quietly.

"Why do you care?" Cire remarked.

"Why did you try to rape Queen Elsa?" You repeated, a little bit softer.

"That woman is a gem. Her body is perfect. I couldn't help but serve myself a portion. I'd get a kingdom, a heir, and a lovely way to pleasure myself whenever I need to." Cire snarled, looking you in the eye.

"That is not how you treat women. Without us, you would not exist. We are the seed of the next generation, the way to the future. You are not a man, as a true man would not rape, harm, or think of molesting a woman. You, sir, are like carbon dioxide. You deserve to rot in a Hellish place, because I will not stand for this. May you ever treat somebody like that ever again, I swear that I will destroy everything you love and leave you to suffer for eternity. Do not look at the queen ever again, or I will cut off whatever is remaining in your pants, which is probably just a half centimeter of fat, and shove it up your back hole. Have a good trip back." You said in a calm, quiet, and edgy voice.

It must have imitated the coward, as Cire had leaned back towards the wall.

You got up and walked out of the dungeon, proud of your work.

Kristoff was waiting at the edge of the dungeon.

"Hey. I liked the speech." He said.

You laughed and punched him lightly. "I couldn't help myself."

Kristoff grinned and walked with you to the kitchen. "So, I was thinking about a double wedding."

You almost chocked on air. "Woah dude. I barely kissed her! I am not getting married to her! We've only known each other for, like, a month! What's wrong with you?" You exclaimed, shaking Kristoff with your hands.

He put his hands up in defeat. "Well, you sure are different. Most people would try to marry the Queen as quickly as possible. Why are you waiting?"

"What are we, Barbarians? I can't marry somebody I've known for only a month! Give it at least a year or two, dude!" You replied.

Kristoff looked at you. "We could be dead in a year or two, you know..."

You whacked him on the head. "You are so weird. Lets go eat something and not mention this conversation ever again."

The two of you walked into the kitchen, Kristoff sitting down and you making a bee line for the servant area.

You took some fresh bread and a glass of water, eating it quickly. When you walked back to the dinning room, you saw Elsa and Anna riding in on a bike. They almost crashed into Olaf, which would have been disasterous.

Gerda walked into the dining room, hands on her hips. "Girls, put the bike away. It is quite un-royal to have a bike in a dining room." Gerda said, acting motherly-like.

Elsa and Anna laughed, riding back out.

Life was great. Too bad the modern world wasn't like this.

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