Chapter Thirty

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Pinning Elsa against the wall, you kissed her long and hard.

Wrapping her legs around you, Elsa let you carry her, moaning softly into the kiss as you gripped her hips.

Turning around you threw Elsa on the bed, laying down next to her.

Elsa kissed your neck, making you moan loudly. She knew just how to drive you crazy.

Suddenly, Elsa pulled away. You leaned up to kiss her, but Elsa put her hands on your face, stopping you.

"(Y/n), I have to go to a meeting." She said, biting her lip.

You rolled your eyes. "You're the queen, it doesn't matter if you're late." You say, putting your hand on the back of Elsa's neck and resuming your make-out session.

Eventually, Elsa pulled away. "You know I hate being late. I promise I'll make it up to you."

You sighed, sitting up. Elsa gave you a small but sweet kiss before walking out.

You walked out of the bedroom Elsa and you shared, finding Kristoff, Anna, and Olaf walking through the castle.


You approached them. "Hey guys."

Anna smiled. "Hey! We're gonna go hang out with Sven in the town, want to come?"

You nodded, following them outside.

You met with Sven, and the five of you walked around town.

When you reached the docks, all of you sat down.

"I want to talk to you guys about something." You say.

Olaf scoots next you. "Oh, a secret?"

You chuckled. "Kind of."

"Tell us!" Anna said.

"Well, I wanted your advice. You guys know I really love Elsa and that I want to be with her forever." You started.

"And?" Olaf asked.

"And I just wanted to...well, make it a little more official." You said.

Anna's eyes lit up. "Are you saying that you want to marry Elsa?"

You bit your lip, blushing. "I think that's what I'm saying? I don't know. What if Elsa thinks it's too early for us to get married? What if she isn't sure? What if-"

"Elsa really loves you. Of course she'll want to marry you. She always talks about how much she loves you and how she wants to be with you for the rest of eternity." Anna interrupted, smiling.

You smiled. "You think so? I'm just not sure if it's the right time yet and-"

"Oh, it's the right time alright." Anna said. She looked like she knew something you didn't.

Olaf grabbed your hand, forcing you to stand up. "Come on! I'll help you look for the perfect ring!"

Following the snowman, you thought about Elsa. You sure hope she would like this surprise.

Back by the docks, Kristoff took a bite out of the carrot Sven and him were sharing.

"Are you gonna tell her?" He asked his wife.

"Nope. She'll figure it out soon." Anna replied.

Kristoff looked towards where you and Olaf had gone, giving the last of his carrot to Sven. "But what if she doesn't? Somebody's gotta tell her."

Anna laughed. "If things go according to my plan, nobody needs to be told anything."

Meanwhile, Elsa left her meeting, not knowing what they had discussed. She had spent the entire meeting thinking about you.

She smiled. Elsa loved you more than anything else in this world.

Walking into your guys' bedroom, Elsa looked around cautiously, making sure you weren't there.

Opening a drawer, Elsa took out a small box and opened it. She sighed in relief when she saw that her creation was still in there.

Closing the box and hiding it away again, Elsa laid down on the bed. She couldn't wait for tonight.

In just a few hours, everything the two of you had gone through to be together would be worth it.

Love Has No Limits (Elsa X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now