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the moment you hold me
i missed you, i'm sorry
i've given what i have
i showed you i'm growing
the ashes fall slowly

After Dark


  Sending in my two weeks notice felt unreal. The surprised look on my boss' face when I gave him the envelope with 'resignation' written over it felt unreal. Packing up my desk felt unreal. It was all the cherry on top of the 'is this really happening?' cake.

The 'is this really happening?,' as in, am I getting a new job really happening? Is this new job at Freddy's really happening? Is me going mentally insane really happening?

Yes, to all of the above, whether they were grammatically correct or not.

I kicked myself every day during those two weeks for accepting the job at the Pizzaplex. Now that I was away from the pretty neon lights, the happy smiles and the intriguing bots, I had a clear head, and my clear head was screaming 'STUPID BITCH' on repeat. Way to doom your own mental health, Y/n.

But it wasn't as if I could back out now, no matter how much I wanted to. I signed a contract. My head was theirs for the next year.

And perhaps I was pushed by a morbid sense of curiosity that had began to take form over the past two weeks; what would it be like, working there, in the centre of everything? Thrown right into the mix with no Michael to keep me on the sidelines. What horrific secrets was this version of the pizzeria hiding? Because it was inevitable, really - Freddy Fazbear would always drag those kid's corpses after them no matter what they did, what they looked like, or where they moved.

Just as the Aftons were inexplicably tied to the franchise, so were the murders.

I even felt myself get excited by the prospect of uncovering more about the murders and the paranormal phenomenon that had the souls stuck to the robots. Unravelling rolls of history, brushing away the cobwebs, falling back into a routine I never thought I'd use again.

Just... with one person this time, instead of four.

It was dangerous, I knew, because it always was whenever Michael pulled an alias and worked the night shifts. No matter how friendly those animatronics were, it was still Fazbear. There was a reason why he begged for me not to go near the robots. And now I had a job there - and not just any job. A job that's constantly around them.

Well. Suck my dick, Mike, I guess.

But the robots didn't seem to be haunted, just very advanced. They didn't have that eerie effect of making my skin prickle when I was around them and, absurdly, I even began to like them and their wide range of personalities. Never mind the fact that I only met them once.

Maybe Michael did release their souls? Maybe all of those kids had finally been put to rest? But even still, I couldn't be too sure. Even if they weren't haunted, I still had questions about the old animatrioncs that were haunted.

What I would give for some answers.

And suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the two weeks were up and I was waiting for Dennis in the packed lobby of the Pizzaplex.

It was a Tuesday that they brought me in on for my first day. Maintenance day Monday was pretty slow and there wouldn't really be anything for me to do, and Dennis insisted that throwing me into the deep end was the best way to learn at the Pizzaplex. I begged to differ but hey, he was the boss now, so I arrived and I waited and tried not to think about how bad of an idea this was.

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