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the sun is fun, the land is dandy
i only talk to dogs because they don't understand me
my teeth are yellow, hello world
would you like me a little better if they were white like yours?

Alien Blues

Last chapter babes! I hope you guys have enjoyed the ride!

I'll be spending the next few weeks finalising the layout of the sequel and editing out those pesky mistakes that's riddled through aimmn lmao!

I'm not sure when exactly the sequel will be out but if you want to stay up to date with things, I post regularly about my progress on my discord! We do have a title though; Blood in The Wires. Keep an eye out! :D

I'm still so humbled by the amount of attention this silly lil fic got - on wattpad, ig, ao3, and tiktok! The arson is my middle name tag is bearing on 1mil views which is bonkers 😭😭 you guys are so cool and creative, I'm so lucky to have such amazing readers! I love you all so so much xxx

Aimmn has been SO much fun to write and explore the characters, and it's only really getting started! I can't wait to dive into the sequel as well as the spin offs that'll be coming after ;)

Enjoy the final chapter! Toodaloo <33

Sam :)

  The day was cloudy when I woke up. It matched my mood. It matched the mood of the call Michael and I had shared the night before.

  The sky was mourning the loss of our friend just as much as we did.

  I had a restless sleep, tossing and turning through the slow hours that chugged by, turning the sky darker and darker until dawn broke night's vigilence. Every time I closed my eyes I would see Bonnie in his torn-apart state. Every time I managed to sleep, I'd have nightmares of Michael in the same position.

  I tapped on the watch a couple of times throughout the night when it got too much, just to call and make sure he was okay.

  "Mikey?" I would whisper into my shadowy room, illuminated only by the watch's screen. His orange bear icon would lighten when he spoke.

  "Yes?" he would reply. I'd give an audible sigh of relief before voicing the same question I asked not an hour ago;

  "Are you okay?"

  "I'm okay."

  "Are you still in your room?"

  "I am."

  "Have you seen anything weird?"

  "No. Try to sleep, love."

  Satisfied, I would lie back down and try to sleep again like how my heavy, exhausted eyes and Michael wanted me to. And yet rest would not come.

  So I meandered my house. I roamed the short hall while the TV filled the silence. I picked at the threads of my couch while my mind wandered. I sifted through the piles of Mike's old clothes that I still needed to sort through. I tried to waste away the night, but the night would not let me.

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