six *editing

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••• Black Sheep •••

Metric ••• Black Sheep •••

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hello again

friend of a friend, i knew you when

our common goal was waiting for the world to end


edit notes: add map bot and wet floor bots. because. because i love themb.

The weekend passed by in a crazy-neon blur and come maintenance day Monday, I almost considered calling in sick so I could just have time to rest.

But I didn't, so I swiped my card at the Pizzaplex's employee door at ten. Thank god for the late start time, as those three extra hours of sleep were desperately needed. I hesitated when I found Freddy waiting patiently for me at the base of the stairs of the lobby, before releasing a bewildered sigh and approaching.

  He'd been doing it for the past couple of days - waiting for me to arrive at work like an old, obedient dog. It was strange and a little awkward, but it seemed to make him happy, so I didn't have the heart to tell him to quit. With all the stress he was putting himself under for worrying Mandy and the staff, I was happy to humour him. 

  "Good morning, Manager Y/n!" Freddy chirped. "I hope you had a pleasant night."

"Morning, Freddy," I greeted. His expression brightened, and he took my bag like he was built to be a giant orange bellhop instead of the star of a band. I took the chance to pull off my coat. "I did, thanks." Lies. "Where's Mandy?"

"She is right..." Freddy looked around his perimeter and frowned. The bag lowered in his grasp. "Oh. I seem to have gone astray."

I smiled and patted his plastic arm as I passed. My bag was back over my shoulder despite his timid protests.

"Come on, big guy. Let's go find her." Poor thing was probably biting her nails down to the nubs looking for him.

Freddy followed me, using that slow amble of his to match my feeble human speed as we ascended the stairs and took the elevator to Rockstar Row. I called Mandy over the walkie-talkie to inform her that Freddy was found. She sounded close to tears in her grateful reply.

Beside me, Freddy's head lowered.

"You guys are going to be learning a new song today, right?" I asked with forced enthusiasm in an attempt to bring Freddy's mood back up. All I wanted to do was to curl up on the couch in my office and sleep. "That's exciting!"

"Mmm... yes..." Freddy hummed distractedly with a tilt of his head. His ears swayed with the movement. "It is."

"I've never been to a rehearsal before," I continued. Freddy's gaze drifted to me and I felt the weight of it as we passed the green rooms. "What's the usual process?"

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