thirty-one / 18+

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Dr. Dog
••• Heart It Races •••

and we're slow to acknowledge the knots in our laces

heart it races

and we go back to where we moved out to the places

heart it races


Artist: Salix

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Artist: Salix

Artist: BoyMarcel98

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Artist: BoyMarcel98

Tw/ sexual content

Once again this is an 18+ chapter. Please only read this chapter if you are over the age of 18.

Minors will be blocked if seen on this chapter. There is another version of this chapter that is appropriate for general audiences.

  "Well, if it isn't Y/n L/n. You've grown!"

  "Hi, Mr. Kim," I greeted the elderly man that stood behind the counter of Hurricane's little local library with a smile. "You haven't aged a day."

  "You flatter me." Mr. Kim chuckled in the same gravelly, smoker voice that he had when I was younger. I used to frequent the library with Michael often during our youth, but those visits had eventually dwindled into nothing. "To what do I owe the pleasure of you popping by after all these years?"

  I tapped the pads of my fingertips on the counter edge and let my smile drop into a curious countenance. "Do you still keep past newspapers?"

  Mr. Kim had hairy, grey eyebrows that stuck out so far that you could probably braid them. They pulled up in surprise at my query, tickling his hairline. He let his hands lay atop a pile of checked-in books and tilted his head with obvious interest - not many people were requesting for newspapers, these days.

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