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The two continued their climb and when they reached the top, they were tired and hungry, but the thought of seeing their daughters again powered them on.
"Well well well, who could this be?" Said a familiar voice.
"I am Quigley quagmire, and I have come for my children" quigley shouted, and violet ran over to the woman with hair but no beard and started fighting her. Eventually, violet got her daughter off the woman and Quigley wrestled the other child out of the mans hands. He pushed a sled over so violet could get on and they could escape.
They flew down the mountain and jumped slightly when they got to the bottom. This tiny jump smashed the thin ice below them, and violet fell into the icy water with one of her daughters.
"Violet!" Quigley shouted, and violet held the child up for quigley to grab. He did, but violet had to keep swimming until she could grab the sled and climb on.
"Violet! Your OK!" Quigley said, hugging her and their child.
"Quigley your gonna freeze!" Violet said, leaning away from him.
"I don't care, I just want you to be safe" He said, pulling her closer. Little did they know, this was a moment their daughters would remember for the rest of her life as the moment they nearly died.
"NO!" Quigley shouted, jumping underwater to grab his children. He scrambled back up to violet and slipped off of the toboggan, but violet grabbed the babies just in time.
"Quigley!" Violet shouted, but she could do nothing but cry with her children in her arms and Quigley underwater.

"Quigley! Quigley your alive!" Violet shouted, kissing him passionately.
"What about our kids?" Quigley asked.
"They're fine" violet said.
"Have you decided on names yet?" Quigley asked. Violet looked around and saw something. "Kit and Collete. Our daughters names are kit and collete" violet said, before passing out.
"Violet! Violet! Are you ok!" Quigley shouted, before blacking out.

"Ah good your awake" Said a voice.
"Who are you?" Violet asked.
"Nevermind that, drink the tea" Said the voice.
"Why should I drink the tea?" Violet inquired.
"Because I say so, now just drink the tea" Said the voice.
"Why are you offering me tea?" Violet asked.
"It doesn't matter! now drink the fucking tea!" The voice said.
"Violet drink the tea, I watched him make it, I promise he's not poisoning you" Quigley called.
Violet gave in and drank the tea, but still asked questions.
"Why did you want me to drink tea?" Violet asked "and why is it so bitter?"
"Sorry if it's bitter, I should have put in less sugar" the boy said "you also have a terrible fever, and I am hoping the tea helps"
"Less sugar?" Violet asked.
"Yes, because this sugar is bitter, and tastes like horseradish" He said looking at her, holding the sugar bowl.
"How did you get that? Who are you?" Quigley asked.
"I am felix fletcher, and I was given the sugar bowl by VFD" he said.
"Do you have a twin named alexis?" Violet inquired.
"Yes, and an older sister named courtney" He said.
"But your dead! How- what-" violet stuttered.
"And their you go, spouting all that 'your dead' stuff" He said, rolling his eyes.
"Where are we" violet asked
"Some sort of island, when I got here there were some tents and two mounds of sand with stones on them" He said.
"I've been here before" violet said.
"Do you know what the mounds were?" Asked felix.
"Graves." Violet said.
"Oh... OK" felix mumbled.
"Kit and collete?" Violet asked.
"Kit? Collete? Oh yes they're fine" felix said.
"Why are you in a tent? Don't you know about- I need to show you something" she stuttered.
"Violet!" Quigley said, catching her as she fell over "You need rest, show us later"
"No, get the kids, I'm going to show you now" she fumbled, holding quigleys arm.

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