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"Isadora" klaus sighed
"Yeah" Isadora replied, trying to keep a brave face.
"Can I come in?" Asked klaus
"Of course" she mumbled half-heartedly.
"Isadora, I still  really like you, I love you even, but your brother likes me, and I like him a bit, but I like you more, and I don't know what to do." He started to cry
"Klaus, I can tell Duncan if you want, but he's probably not going to take it well" isadora wiped klauses tears from his face.
"What if he gets mad at me or you because I'm choosing you over him?" He croaked
"I'll tell him it was all my fault" she ruffled his hair.
"Isn't it a weird thought, your older than me?" Klaus laughed
"It is, I'm older by nearly 2 years" she chuckled and kissed klaus on the cheek, blushing slightly.
"Aren't you only older by one year?" Klaus asked
"Well actually it's my birthday tomorrow" she mumbled
Klaus looked at the clock, which was showing 12 o clock
"Happy birthday" klaus whispered, before kissing isadora on her lips.
The children went to sleep. In the morning, they were awoken by a knock at the door. Duncan was standing by a man and smiling.
"Jerome!" Klaus smiled
"Good morning, I hope I didn't wake you up" Jerome waved cheerily at the children "Isadora, can I talk to you?"
"Of course!" Isadora smiled
"I am interested in adopting you and your brothers" He said
"I would love to" she looked back at klaus, who was smiling encouragingly.
"Now, would you mind showing me where your brother is?" Jerome said, turning around.
"He's in here" she gestured to the door across the hall.
"Quigley quagmire?" Jerome knocked on the door.
"Yes?" Quigley called, opening the door.
"I'm interested in adopting you and your siblings, if that's alright with you" Jerome smiled at him, but Quigley looked disappointed.
"what's the matter?" Violet started walking towards him.
"W-we wouldn't be able to live together" his voice cracked as he spoke.
"On the contrary, I have a friend, you may know her, her name is Jacqueline scheska and she wants to adopt the baudelaires" Jerome was still smiling.
"But what's that got to do with us and the baudelaires living together?" Quigley started to cry slightly.
"I have invited her to live with us in my penthouse" Jerome comforted
"I would love to come and live with you!" Quigley instantly stopped crying.
"Jacqueline and Mr poe have decided to meet us on briny beach in a few hours, so we can put the finishing touches on the paperwork." Jerome began walking off to the nursery while the children got dressed and woke up sunny. They met in the hallway and got in the car with Jerome.
"Sorry its such a long drive, but I have a feeling you won't mind." He said as the car started to drive."Happy birthday Quagmires!"
"I didn't know it was your birthday!" Violet looked at Quigley "is there anything you want?"
"Well, there is a book I want" Quigley looked back at her.
"It might be in my library, do you happen to know it's dewy decimal number?" Jerome asked
"Don't say that!" Violet put her head in her knees.
"Oh yes, I'm terribly sorry about what happened at the hotel." Jerome frowned while Quigley leaned over to try and close the curtains, but violet looked over and saw the ardent remains of her parents mansion. As I'm sure you know the word  ardent means burnt. When she saw this, she began to sob, until Quigley put his commonplace book on her lap and told her to read from the bookmark. It read:
I met someone today, the baudelaires. I had read so much about them in the newspapers, and jaques snicket had told me about them aswell. We spoke in sort of a code and I woke them up to climb the vertical flame diversion.
Violet was a brilliant climber, and when she typed in the phrase code for the door I couldn't help but admire her.
We got through the door and stared. All we could see was ashes. The ashes of the VFD secret headquaters. That was when I took off my mask. First she wondered if I were Duncan, then she smiled at me and told me how they knew my siblings. We saw a verdant flammable device on top of Mount fraught, violet and klaus thought it was sunny, their kidnapped baby sister. Violet made some shoes with forks on the end to help us climb the frozen waterfall, but klaus said he wouldn't climb with us so he could research  what we would do next. We started climbing the waterfall but she nearly slipped, so I suggested we stop on a nearby ledge. We stopped, and violet said "If you have to hide a headquarter, it's a beautiful place to do it. The view is lovely"
"Very lovely indeed" I replied, although I found that I wasn't looking at the view, but instead at her. I looked into her beautiful eyes and we kissed. It was short, and I was sure she just wanted to think I was Duncan, but it felt so good to feel her lips on mine, my hands on hers. We continued climbing until we reached Mount fraught and violet found her sister. She said something about someone named mata hari, and then we climbed down. I was distracted about what had happened before, so I don't remember the rest well, but I do remember us tobogganing down the waterfall, but the ice melted and I was sent another way down the stricken stream.

(Back in the limo)
"You don't need to read the rest, but if you do I can get you to the next page that's actually relevant." Quigley said to violet.
"Please do" she gave quigley the book and he flicked through until he found the right page.
"There you go" Quigley handed the book back to violet. It said:

It was all the same until I dropped my commonplace book. I thought I had lost it forever, but after a few seconds I heard someone shout my name. We lowered the ladder only to see violet, klaus and sunny holding my commonplace book. And a child. I panicked a bit, thinking violet had fallen for someone else while I was gone, but we spoke and I found out it was kit snickets daughter. After hours of chatting and hugging, violet was called up by Hector. A few minutes later, we started falling. We fell from the air and miraculously landed upright. We ran to find violet but she wasn't there, so I dove into the water and swam to get her with klaus. I did cpr, and she started to cough, while I started to cry tears of joy. Later that day, she asked to see me. We spoke for a while, and then we kissed twice before going to sleep.

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