5 - Your Turn

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Mary's crying as a baby had nothing on Bobby and Lucifer's. It was double the loudness and even more so since there was two of them.

Gabriel and Sam woke up at the same time, exhanged a quick glance, and sped into the baby's room, Sam knocking over a chair as he did so. They each picked up a baby and cradled him in their arms, trying to calm them down. They tried everything from feeding them to singing to them to putting an extra blanket on top of them...nothing worked.

"Dammit," Sam mumbled under his breath, "I wish we had given them a stuffed animal like Mary had, then we'd know how to get them to stop crying."

"What?!" Gabriel shouted over the crying, eyes narrowed in concentration, as if that would help him to hear better.

Sam waved his hand in a 'nevermind' motion and went back to bouncing Bobby up and down in his arms. The two of them stood there for a moment, desperately trying to silence the twins. Sam and Gabe heard light footsteps coming towards the room and the door slowly opened. Mary poked her head into the room, a sleepy smile on her face. "Can't make them stop crying?" She asked, laughter in her tone. Sam smiled sadly and Mary took Bobby from him, trying to shush the baby. It didn't work, although it did make his screams a tiny bit quieter. But only a little. Mary rocked Lucifer in the same way, and now the wailing wasn't as loud.

Mary shrugged, Gabriel apologized for waking her up, and she made her way back to bed. Not even moments later more footsteps were heard angrily treading up the stairs and the door to the twins' room burst open. There stood Dean, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, with Castiel trailing behind Dean and trying to catch his own heavy breath.

"Have you tried everything?" Dean groaned, and both Sam and Gabriel nodded in unison. Dean saw the dark bags under his brother's eyes and sighed. "Okay, have you tried giving them their bottles? Sometimes they're just hungry. Or turning their nightlight off? Sometimes they can be really over tired."

Sam slumped his shoulders, "tried it all."

"Have you tried telling them a bedtime story?" Castiel asked, rubbing his left eye with the back of his hand. "Mmmmnope," Gabriel said, and placed Bobby and Lucifer in their cribs. "Once upon a time," the archangel began, smiling mischeviously, "there was two boys named Sam and Dean Winchester. They were brothers. There was also two angel brothers named Gabe and Cas. Cas fell in love with Dean by watching him from Heaven. But he didn't really know what the boy was like or anything so his older brother Gabriel went down and talked to the brohers."

"You mean kill them?" Dean interjected, but Sam silenced him with a glare. The babies had stopped crying.

"And so then a few things happened, things went here, things went there, and, Castiel ended up with the love of his life and I ended up with your daddy, Sam," Gabriel finished the story.

The babies were asleep.

Both Sam and Gabe let out a giant sigh of relief and Dean chuckled. "Good luck," he said, walking with Castiel back to their bedroom, "remember how Cas and I were up all night every night when we first got Mary?"

"Yeah, you've told me," Sam groaned.

"Well, now I guess it's your turn," Castiel and Dean laughed a bit before turning and heading out, leaving the two new parents alone in the silence. But as soon as the quietness had come, it ended, as Lucifer began to cry again, then Bobby. It was going to be a long night.

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