y/n goes to school

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i wake up and yawn becuase  i am so tired. i went to bed early last night at 4pm and i woke up now. i look at the lock it says 7:45. school starts at 8:15. i have plenty of time before school.

 i go downstairs where my mom is. she is really pretty and young. she had me when she was in highschool. i get a box of cereal and pour a bowl.

i walk to the fridge and look for milk. we dont have any. "if you are looking for milk then your dad went to get some a few years ago and he never came back so we dont any" mom says.

i eat dry cereal. i go back upstairs into my room. i decide to get dressed. i pick out the best first day of school outfit. it looks like this:

 it looks like this:

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cute right? 

the outfit looks good with my white skin and silver blond hair. the jeans match my ice blue navy blue ocean blue sky blue teal dark blue poptart box blue orbs. i love my orbs they are soooooo pretty. 

okay i get dressed and head outside. i shiver with the cold. even though its september and in florida its still cold. my iphone 18 says the weather is 98 degrees. brrrr.

the second i step outside the bus comes. im about to get on but i forgot my backpack so i head inside to get it. i sling it over my back. 

outside the bus left. i start running to school because im going to be late. 

my mom doesnt work but we dont have a good relationship because ✨mommy issues✨ so i dont ask for a ride. 

i run as fast as i can to school and i get there at 8:13. my homeroom is on the other side of the building so i run there as fast as i can. the bell rings and i sit in my seat. there is a girl next to me.

she has pink hair and pink nails and pink makeup and pink clothes and pink EVERYTHING. shes really pretty but i cant say that because im not gay.

"hey new girl im hannah" the girl says. i ignore her and i yawn rudely. this girl is way too pink and i hate her becuase i am not like other girls. 

i turn away and the bell rings to start the day. i get up and leave. 

the hallway is crowded and i cant find my locker. i go up to a boy in all leather. "e-e-e-e-e-excuse m-me? d-d-do y-you k-k-know w-w-w-w-where l-locker s-s-s-s-s-s-sixty n-nine is?" the boy has chocolate brown hair and gorgeous grassy green leaf green vomit green silky green orbs. i think im in love. 

the boy turns and growls at me. "are you talking to me?"

a/n: omg first chapterrrrrr tell me if you like it! new chapter will be up soon!

Y/N AND THE BAD BOY ,, y/n slanderWhere stories live. Discover now