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Skykit sat and watched the other kits as they played and tumbled around. He eyed them jealously. The oldest kits in the nursery were all in one litter - Bearkit, Badgerkit, Foxkit, and Wolfkit. As a matter of fact, he noted, the whole litter would become apprentices by sunset today. Everytime he tried to join in, they always ignored him, and when he asked about it, they always responded by saying that he was "too small" to play and that they didn't want "runts" to play with them. Then he would eye Foxkit and think 'What are you talking about? You don't want runts playing with you! Then look at him!' Though he wouldn't dare say those words aloud.

He knew he was being hypocritical by even thinking that. Foxkit was taller than him, only by a little bit, but he was still taller, and Skykit himself knew that. He didn't even bother ever complaining about it to Loststar, his mother, because he knew that she would always reply saying something along the lines of 'they're just jealous.' No, they aren't jealous! He's the one jealous! They're normal kits, and he's not. He's short. Small. And he knows it's an oddity. It's exactly what outcasts him from the other kits in the nursery. Makes him different. Makes him ... strange. Weird. Like he was a freak.

And he wouldn't bother complaining about it to his father, Rockfall, either, because he was quite aware of the fact that all he would say to him was to "suck it up" or that "life isn't fair." Or even "nobody cares," which was worse than any of the other things he decided to say to him. None of them were even close to comforting, so why would he even bother responding? He'd rather be ignored than be hurt by his own father. Of course, though, he knew that, apparently, 'life isn't fair.' Which he knew was true, but from the way Rockfall put it, made it sound as if everyone should know and rot in their own misery because of it.

Skykit was the son of Loststar, whom he knew was the first ever she-cat leader of MapleClan, but didn't exactly know the whole backstory behind it all. Why none of the other she-cats hadn't ever been made the leader of the Clan. But he never asked. He knew that when the time was right his mother could come and tell him. Or even his father, Rockfall, if need be. Not like he would enjoy it if his father told him.

However, he knew that one thing was true: he didn't care whether or not he was accepted by the rest of the Clan. He didn't care if he was different. As long as he could become a warrior of MapleClan - one of the best, perhaps, as a matter of fact - or even the best in the whole entire history of MapleClan, nothing else mattered. What he did not know, however, was that this path was not the destiny he was meant to follow ...

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