Chapter Thirteen (FINAL)

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Skyhawk ran out of camp with insults being thrown at him the whole way, with the most audible and sick insults belonging to Berryfrost. He shook his head and slowing down his pace once he spotted the waterfall in clear view. His tail lashed and soon he reached a complete stop.

Tired, Skyhawk stopped to take a few sips from the fresh water of the pond formed below the waterfall that MapleClan was known for. As he was drinking, he heard some peculiar splashing sounds and lifted his head, ears perked. Soon he saw a small, silver, gilled head poke up from the water. The beady black eye adorned on it's face saw Skyhawk, but it quickly vanished back under, and popped up again seconds later, even closer. Skyhawk was intrigued, then snapped out of it.

Skyhawk unsheathed his claws and brought them down on the fish once it was close enough, and the fish sunk back under, liquid staining the water red. Skyhawk stretched forwards and stuck his paw in the water, pulling the dead fish out of the water with ease and then setting it down next to him. He grasped the fish in his jaws when he heard bushes

rustling, and he took off running, afraid that it might be a MapleClan patrol or even a predator, despite that MapleClan territory didn't have much predators come by. That would be WolfClan, hence the name. MeadowClan attracted the most prey, because they lived in a meadow and, as expected, many creatures would love to live in a pretty little meadow.

Skyhawk soon became lost in the midst of unknown territory. He didn't scent any familiar cats. As a matter of fact, he smelt no smells of cats at all. With a sigh, he flicked his ears and started walking through the forest. And soon a tangy scent hit his nose, that smelt like freshly-made dirt.

Skyhawk couldn't help but wonder where he was when he scented twolegs and other creatures unbeknownst to him. Finally, he found a strange structure of a twolegplace made out of the wood from trees with, oddly, no crazy twoleg color added to it. Skyhawk blinked and came closer just to see that huge animals with short fur but long hair streaming down their necks and their tails fashioned into something weird shared the building, while fat white or black animals with black or brown spots grazed in a meadow that was fenced in by even more wood. Far beyond the spotted creatures were another fenced-in animal that was pink and streaked with dirt and had an ugly nose on it's face. Then there was another wooden coop, far less complex than the maned animals' building, that belonged to multi-colored animals that looked remotely like birds but were poor fliers.

Skyhawk was intrigued. He watched on for a few minutes, before approaching the first structure that he had seen. He padded towards the first animal he saw, a rather pretty one that was white with a cinnamon-speckled flank, brown feet and a dark brown mane + tail. He jumped on top of the wood that closed the horse inside the rather small area compared to the size of this horse. "Psst," he whispered, but had no idea if the creature could hear him, nonetheless understand what he was saying.

Skyhawk soon came to recognize the creature as a horse. Her large black eyes twinkled. "Why, you're at Frosty Winters Ranch, of course! And who are you?"

"I'm Skyhawk, and you?"

"I'm Caramel Apple. These horses behind me are Elvira, Tuscani, Shimmering Dawn, Rosa, Stryker, my mate, Dust in The Wind, and my very own foal, Grayson, who is in here with me." She motioned down to a small, silvery body with dark gray streaks and a dark gray "mask."

The small silver body looked up at Skyhawk from where he was perched at on the wooden stall, and then he stood up to his full height. "Hi!" Grayson chirped, and his mother smiled kindly down at him.

"So what are you doing here? The only kind of cat we have here is a barn cat, who hunt the rats and the mice in the barn, and you certainly don't look like a barn cat." Caramel Apple pointed out, and Skyhawk couldn't help but feel offended. Of course he didn't want to be a barn cat, but he was sure that the secret message of Caramel Apple's statement was that she thought he was a "little bit small."

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