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Skyhawk stared at Toadleap as he sat down in the middle of StarClan, waiting, just waiting, for his former mentor to respond. "Well?" he demanded, flicking his tail and then bringing it down rough against the ground. "Why did you let this happen?"

"It's not a matter of letting it happen, Skyhawk," Toadleap insisted. "We know what's going to happen, but StarClan is helpless to stop it." he said.

"Then why didn't you let me know?! That's the least you could've done! Told me about the berries!"

"You never asked! If you want StarClan to tell, then you must ask." Toadleap pointed out.

"You expected me to ask you about a bunch of berries? Really, Toadleap? I thought StarClan cats were supposed to be smart and wise. Apparently, I was wrong. " Skyhawk sighed, shaking his head.

Toadleap had a hurt look on his face, but Skyhawk didn't feel the slightest bit guilty. "Look, Skyhawk - we are edging deeper and deeper into volatile times. It's better to be safe than sorry."

Skyhawk sighed, looking away. "I know that much, Toadleap. Couldn't you have at least told me about Breezeflame?"

"I couldn't have let you known," Toadleap admitted, looking away when Skyhawk's head snapped up.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Skyhawk spat, feeling slightly offended by Toadleap's remark. And he didn't even know why. He just wasn't being very irrational at the moment, for some reason.

"It's just that you'd be the type of cat to go off on some kind of journey to kill Breezeflame, and it's just not your destiny to do that. It's the destiny of the unborn."

"The destiny of the unborn? You're not making any sense. How can a cat that's not even been born yet be expected to go on some great journey to kill somebody? You cant make any less sense than that," Skyhawk stated coldly, flicking an ear against the breezy winds of StarClan irritably.

"It means that the cat that will finish Breezeflame once and for all has not yet been born, Skyhawk. Now go. I've already told you more than I should have; I don't want to get into trouble with Froststar. "

Skyhawk mumbled insults under his breath as be was forced to wake up. With a sigh, he pulled himself to his paws and decided that today was the day he would return to MapleClan. He had a couple of important things to tell his mother.

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