*Chapter Ten

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Ivymist's P.O.V.

"Wonder why Skypaw didn't come here," Ivymist thought warily as she glanced at Honeypaw, Fogsecret, and then Swiftstar. Honeypaw eyed her curiously, but whenever Ivymist glared at her she looked away.

"I'm pretty sure Skypaw went to go get his medicine cat's name today, or whatever," Honeypaw shrugged, and the very topic seemed to capture both Swiftstar's and Ivymist's interests. "I believe his name is Skybird or Skyhawk or something now." Honeypaw pointed out, and Ivymist shared a look with Swiftstar, which made Honeypaw look at them weirdly.

"That's probably it, then," Swiftstar said, and Honeypaw blinked, looking over at him from her spot in front of a bunch of darkly tinted bushels and trees. "I do think that Sky ... hawk did not want to be coming here at this moment, and if he doesn't want to come, then we can't make him. It's practically impossible." Swiftstar narrowed his eyes in annoyance, and then swiped out at the cat nearest to him with his claws, which ended with him hitting a fellow Dark Forest warrior - a golden-colored tom with hazel eyes - and knocking her down. The cat got up, spat at Swiftstar, and then left. Ivymist blinked. "And either that, or, StarClan set up some sort of protection spell against Dark Forester's like me. They will usually do that with their Medicine Cat's." Swiftstar's left eye twitched.

"Well, that's bad," Ivymist said flatly, then turned her attention back to Swiftstar's twitching amber eye. Swiftstar must've noticed, because he finally snapped and told her to stop staring at his eye. Well, he told her that whenever his eye had finally stopped twitching, that is. Ivymist stopped staring, and turned to look at Fogsecret to see how he was doing, and he seemed to be just idly glancing around the Dark Forest.

Suddenly a shriek rang out above the chatter of Dark Forester's and their trainee's. Swiftstar smirked. "Looks like that's my call," he stated, seeming mildly amused. 'Well,' Ivymist thought. 'Swiftstar's feeling amused - this is new.' she grinned. "Icestorm!" Swiftstar called out to someone, and all of a sudden a misty white she-cat with almost invisible specks of silver splattered on her legs and back came rushing towards them. She looked as if she had been in the Dark Forest awhile, because she certainly seemed as if she was fading fast. She would disappear completely soon. "I need you to take care of these apprentice's for me while I go attend to some of my ... " he glanced towards the area where the shriek had come from. " ... business." he finished, and then made his way towards the place with the weird shrieking cats.

"Hmmm," Icestorm murmured "I see. So you all must be Fogsecret, Ivymist, and Honeypaw. Am I correct in assuming that?" she asked. All of them nodded in response.

"Yeah," Honeypaw said.

"Apparently you assumed right," Ivymist said, and Fogsecret said nothing because, well, he's Fogsecret ... and Fogsecret can't talk. Unfortunately. This made Icestorm look at Fogsecret weirdly, but she said nothing about his lack of an answer.

"What about the runt that Swiftstar always talk about? Skypaw or whatever?" Icestorm asked, rather annoyingly. Honeypaw seemed to be practically seething due to the fact that Icestom had insulted Skyhawk.

"He's not a runt, he's just the smallest out of the litter!" Honeypaw spat angrily, unsheathing her claws. Icestorm didn't even flinch because of Honeypaw's very, very visible threat.

"That's exactly what a runt is, Honeypaw," Icestorm rolled her eyes. "So, thank you for further proving my point." Honeypaw was still seething, but managed to calm herself down some.

"Whatever," Honeypaw growled. "And his name is Skyhawk now, just so that you can call him something other than 'runt.' It doesn't seem like it would be a very good nickname for someone." Honeypaw snorted.

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