Chapter Three

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Toadleap, of course, being a medicine cat, had made Skypaw not go out and collect herbs ... wasn't like he would have even wanted to, anyway, though he would've enjoyed at least going outside of camp for once. Toadleap left the medicine cat den to go hunt for the herbs himself, leaving Skypaw inside of the medicine cat's den to rest and let his wounds heal. At least, he had said, that the wounds weren't too deep or severe, so Skypaw should be able to go out of camp in, at the most, a couple of days.

Until then, however, Skypaw knew he would be bored. Well, unless he can find something to keep him occupied. Maybe he could find a friend to talk to? 'What friend?' He then asked himself in his head and sighed, flattening his ears against his head. He knew, though, that if he wanted friends, which he did, of course, then he would have to go associate with them first, since, apparently, they never bothered about being the first to approach him. He didn't even see why his size mattered ... besides, he's in training to become a medicine cat, now, too! So hopefully they would start treating him with the respect that he deserves. Or else Loststar would make them, he was well aware of. Or at least he hoped that she would, anyway.

Skypaw attempted to find some more apprentices to talk to. All except Bearpaw, Wolfpaw, Badgerpaw, and Foxpaw, of course. They would kill him if he even set a pawstep towards their direction. It wouldn't be a problem, either. The only fighting tactic he knew so far was the one that Swiftstar taught him, and even then, he couldn't use it on four cats at once! Great StarClan! What was he thinking? Yeah, they might get annoyed and bully him some more if he took a pawstep closer to the littermates, but they wouldn't kill him! He started wondering why he was even thinking this way. He wouldn't have thought that way before - not unless someone managed to get him, really, really mad, which wasn't exactly hard when it comes to Skypaw because he's already extremely agitated over becoming a medicine cat.

Skypaw couldn't find anyone to talk to so that they could occupy his boredom, so eventually he gave up. He headed back over to the medicine cat's den to rest, and he sighed, beginning to think. Of course, there was only a few apprentices left in camp, since most were out training with their mentors at this time. This will probably be the most irritating days of his life for awhile, what with him not having anything to do except for laying around in camp. Not going outside or anything. He sighed. The warrior apprentices were all lucky ... much luckier than him, for any reason! They didn't have to be kept inside the camp for days, nor were they required to have to hunt for herbs whenever they did get the chance to go outside!

Skypaw growled lowly at the thought of who had inflicted these wounds upon him and caused him to be forced into having to stay inside of the camp all day. He flicked his ears, and began wondering if he should tell Loststar. But then what if the next time he dreams, Swiftstar gets onto him about it and just hurts him more? He winces as he thinks about what that could feel like, getting hurt some more by a Dark Forest cat! He shakes his head and sighs. 'Oh well.' He thinks. 'It'll be the right thing to do.' He pointed out to himself in his head and sighed, pulling himself up from the ground of the medicine cat's den.

Skypaw then walked over to the leader's den, his mother's den, Loststar's den, and once again debated whether or not he should do this for the second time that day, with the first being just, like, three seconds ago. Literally. He shook his fur out and walked inside just to see that Loststar. Firehawk, Rockfall, Pineleaf (Pinepaw), and Pebblestream (Pebblepaw) were discussing something that seemed rather important due to the fact that they were talking in low, hushed voices. It looked as if they were having a council meeting.

Loststar looked up. "Oh, Skypaw. It's just you." She meowed, lashing her tail. "We were just talking about you." She pointed out, and the other cats besides Skypaw in the den nodded from right beside her.

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