Stopping Fights And Chaos

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Note : Hahahah... Its 1am! This chapter might be Short...
Depending if my brain can remember the plan i have for this chapter.
Anyways, Enjoy!


I will.

Zorua Looked At me And Passed out.

I Used double Team to create 5 Clones To Watch Over Zorua, Oh And Bronzor Ofcourse.

I Stepped Forward As The Wind Went Rushing In My Direction.

I Look Closely And Find Entei and Zorua Clashing Against Each Other While Suicune And Raikou Prepare An Attack Waiting For Entei To Move Out.

Entei Jumped Up As Raikou Hits Zorua With A Powerful Thunderbolt As Zorua Screams In Pain.

Ash And Pikachu Try Their Best To Stop The Fight But It Was No Use.

Celebi Wanted To Do Something But Couldn't As Celebi Is Injured And Still Is Healing.

Celebi Needs to Touch The Time Hole To Actually Do Something.
But The Ruckus Was To Much To Safely Get There.

Zoroark Uses Night Slash But Suicune  Dodges and Hits Back With Ice Fang.

Zoroark Is Weakened By A Bunch.

Zoroark Starts Flinching Alot And Starts To Rely More On Dodging That Attacking.

I Realized I was supposed to stop the fight.. Not watch as if its A Free Movie-

So...Um..What Typing Combo Should I Use To Defeat Them...

Raikou Is Only Weak To Ground...

..Suicune is Weak To Grass And Electric But Has Ice Attacks..

...Entei Is Weak To Rock, Water, And Ground..

Zoroark..Um..... I Should Put It To sleep And Then Heal It..

So In this Case..
The Typing Combo I Need Is..

Water, Electric, And Ground!..
And Grass To Put Zoroark To Sleep AND Heal It.
Or Was That Psychic Type That Heals? I forgot.

Water Is There To Resist Suicune's Water And Ice Attacks And To Also Resist Entei's Fire Attacks.

Ground Is To Be Immune To Raikou's Electric Attacks And Resisting Entei's Fire Attacks As well.

However Ground Is Weak To Ice So The Water Typing To Atleast Lower The Damage Of The Attacks.

Electric Doesn't Resist Water But Its Strong Against It And Can Be Used To Paralyze Them.

The Physical Attacks Are Mostly What I Have To Look Out For.

But Suicune Is Kinda A Problem..

Suicune Doesn't Learn Ice Fang, Extrasensory, Hydro Pump, And Blizzard Until Above Level 50.

And They Are Level 45 Right?
So The Only Attack To Be Wary Of Is Aurora Beam And Bubble beam.

But.. Problem Is.. Entei Knows Swagger.
Which If You Didn't Know, Confuses The Opponent.

Which Is Annoying As Hecc.

And It Knows Roar Aswell.
So It's Technically Based On My Luck Right Now.

Alright! Let's Do This!

So I Changed My Typing To Water, Electric, And Ground.
Charged In!

"Wh- A Pokemon?"

No! I'm a Human Frog!... Idiot, Ofcourse I Am.

I Used Discharge To Damage All Of Them, Even Zoroark, Suicune Fainted Thankfully And I False Swipe Raikou 7 Times And It Looked Extremely Weak So I Let It Go And I Hydro Cannon The Entei And It Got Thrown To The Wall.

Entei Fainted.

Raikou Was The Only One There Not Fainted

It Seemed To Have Eaten A Sitrus Berry Cause It Looked Much More Active And Healthier Than When I 7 Time False Swiped It.

It Roared At Me.

I Decided To Speak To It.

Zoroark Isn't The Enemy! You Were Mistaken!

It Looked At Me And Then Looked At His Dog Friends.

I Quickly Used Extreme Speed, Found 2 Sitrus Berries And Gave Them To Zoroark Who Willingly Ate Them And Looked Much Better.

Raikou Roared In Understanding.
But Gave A Look Of Question.

The Real Threat?..
Its Some Guy Wanting To Destroy Whole Area For Future Seeing Powers While Also Sacrificing A Celebi.

It Looked At Me Then Glared At His Dog Friends..
Then It Thunder Shocked Them And they Suddenly Woke Up.

And They Immediately Glared At Me.

Suicune Started Preparing An Aurora Beam While Entei Was Ready To Flare Blitz The Crap Outta Me.

Raikou Then Stopped Them And Seemed To Explain Everything.

I Looked Back And Saw Ash And His Friends Contemplating Life Decisions Or Processing What Happened.

I let Out A Sigh And Brought Zorua To Zoroark To Have Their Happy Reunion-


Mister Footure...


Thanks for reading this chapter and waiting for me to update my story.

Sight Out!

Story Finished At 2:04 AM

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