꧁Chap. 15꧂

313 7 22

We don't talk about Bruno

'No one is leaving this fucking gym until we talk out our goddamn problems.'

'I'm not going to talk to the people who basically played me. Or at least tried to.' George looked Dream, and Sapnap. Even if he wasn't the one to directly do it, he was the one who came up with the bet.
'Yes, your are, because I've had enough putting up with your little act George. I'm sick of you ignoring me. I apologized, and you accepted that apology. So start acting like it dammit!'

'Maybe, you should of thought about your actions! And you Sapnap, none of this would've happened if you didn't place the bet. Same with you Dream, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you cockiness!' George glared at the two before continuing on with the lecture. 'And if you really wanna talk, then don't fucking lock us in a gym. Wanna know how I feel? Do you?'
Dream could tell he was no longer the one holding leverage. The one who had the power. Instead it was George. 'I mean yeah, that's kinda why we're here.' Sapnap muttered, looking at Karl.
George only glared at him before he talked. 'I feel betrayed. I feel backstabbed. But I also feel pride. Pride in my actions of when I outed you to everyone. And the fact that even Sam said it was fucked up-' although is was clearly visible that George was on the verge of tears, he was laughing at the scene that replayed in his head each day. 'It's all your fault. You're the reason I'm upset.' He was no longer laughing. His voice was low, and a serious expression lay across his face. 'Your turn, Clay. Tell me, how do you feel.'

     He only looked at George, no set expression on his face. 'I'm sorry. I regret not telling you. But I don't regret taking the bet because I really do love you George.'  
    'Well you broke my trust! And that's worse than breaking my goddamn hea-'
    As George was yelling, pointing his finger at Dream like a bad dog, he failed to hear the steps, and see, Dream getting closer to him, to be more specific he was stomping towards the brunette. He grabbed George's delicate face, pulling him into a kiss, cutting him off.

      'And people say you're a good listener.' Dream rolled his eyes, pulling away from the kiss. He left George stunned, as well as quiet.
    'The worst part about all of this. Is that I still love you.' George looked at Dream, continuing the kiss.

    'George? Do you, you know, fully forgive Dream?' Karl looked over at his friend, who bent his head down with a smile.
    Karl look back at Sapnap. He walked over to him, slapping him in the face, then gave him a small kiss. 'Don't place any more bets.'

      'Hey wait where's Big Q?' George turned to Karl, who shrugged. 'Wait. Do you guys hear that? Dream shushed everyone with a finger.
   In the distance, they could hear footsteps running down the hallway as well as laughing. Quackity's laughing. 'Well Dream. I guess Quackity was able to leave.' Sapnap laughed George's reaction as they all peeked out of the gym doors to see the shortest running away.


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