Chapter 32

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☆▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎' back....come home..mi amor..'▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎☆

*María's POV*

I ignored the calls and kept climbing despite their protests. I made it up Casita's later before Mirabel so I went to her aid and pulled her up. Running hand I hand to the Miracle I put my joined hand down a bit as I also bent down. Mirabel nodded as she put her foot in my joined hands. Like she read my mind. I hoisted her up with all the strength I had. Her hands were stumbling to try and grab the candle.

'Apurarse Mira! (Hurry Mira!)' I usher as I feel the strength leave my body quickly.

'I'm trying!' She shouted back. She finally grab the candle. 'Got it!'

I helped her down and we started to run again. We started to climb down Casita's ladder but it suddenly broke beneath us. We both screamed but Casita caught us with whatever tiles she had left on her floor. I grunt from the impact, but I also felt something sharp pierce my abdomen. I look down and see oozing red blood. I groan but ignore the pain. I wrap a hand around my pierced side and look around for Mirabel as she wasn't by my side anymore. I look around frantically. I squint my eyes and I see her figure. I sigh in relief. That didn't last long before I saw a giant shadow loom over Mirabel. I gasp when I realise its a giant chunk of Casita. Without realising I my feet were already on the way over to her. Screaming her name.

'MIRA! MIRA! MIRA!' I keep running ignoring the burning that was in my side. Mirabel's figure came into view properly. 'MIRABEL!?' This caught her attention. She turned around with a barely lite Miracle in her arms. She had tears falling down her face in bulk. I waved my arms frantically, motioning the other way away from the piece of Casita that was coming closer and closer. This time she didn't get the hint this time. I see Casita's chunk coming closer.

I promised Antonio.

I'm so sorry Camilo.....mi amor.....

I sprint faster than I have ever done before. I reach Mirabel just before the house does. I see Mirabels shocked face when I shove her out of the way. I landed on the floor. My ankle was caught in a hole and I knew I would have no time to get out. I look away from my ankle to Mirabel who was starting to get up to try and get to me. But.......she was too late.

The last thing I remember was the world going dark around me. I lost my breath. My sight. My hearing. My sense of smell. My energy. I lost it all.........everything.....

*Camilo's POV* no no no no!

It can't be!


Casita collapsed before his very eyes. His prima (cousin) and his futura esposa (future wife). He couldn't move in that moment. He felt his eyes prick with tears. He shook his head before he ran into the mess of what once use to be his home. Running into each ruined room before coming back out. Tossing around the rubble to see if they were buried or not. The Madrigals following his every move. He stopped. The Madrigals did too.

What he saw truly broke him. Mirabel sat their, her arms wrapped around her best friend and his love, she held her close to her chest, she was crying her eyes out and screaming and apologising. Camilo ran, sprinted another word for running. He was by María's side in seconds. He looked down at her limp body that was in his prima's arms. He felt his tears coming back to haunt him. He carefully opened his arms, Mirabel placed María in his arms.

She was so pale. So limp. Her hair lay over her face but not like it always did. Her hair was too dark for her new pale skin. She once shinning eyes were closed and no where near shining anymore. I reached for a pulse. A heartbeat. Anything! I frantically moved my hands just to find anything to see if she was alive. That was until Mirabel tried to stop me.

'Camilo stop! STOP CAMILO!' Mira shouted. I look up at her wet cheeks. More round of tears came out of her eyes and I didn't know it but some were definitely falling down mine. My tears fell down to María. 'She's gone Camilo, she's gone....' she said above a whisper.

I shook my head. 'No... she can't be'

'Oh Camilo...' I heard Mamí say.

For the first time ever.....I let my emotions run free. I screamed as loud as I could. Tears shining from my eyes. Overflowing with my regret, love, and sadness. The more I screamed the more tears fell. Buckets after buckets of tears. I screamed until my voice grew hoarse. I cried until I made a river. I held María's body close to mine. Her head laying on my chest and my head in her hair.

'WHY!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!?' I screamed. I squeezed her body close to mine. 'WHY!? Why! why....'

I felt a small pair of arms wrap around me. I look away from María to see a blurry Antonio. When my vision clears a bit I see a crying Antonio. He was bawling his eyes out. He looked down at María and sat on the opposite side to me and also embraced María. Soon enough everyone joined in too. We all pulled away to look at the life that was taken from us.

'Please come back....please....' I mutter under my breath as I stroke her hair.

I see Mirabel pull something out of her pocket and instantly recognise it as María's Mama's favourite necklace. Mirabel carefully wrapped it around María's neck. A small silver hue shone around the necklace. The necklace reminded me of her favourite lullaby that she sang for me when I was having that panic attack. I start to hum the tune. I hear Isabela join in with me and soon the others too.


Sleep little one~
Close your eyes~
Your body's cooling with the night~
Let your worries slip away~

Tomorrow brings a brand new day~

Shimmering moon and satin sky~
Soft wind breaths its lullaby~
Your dreams are here to set you free~

The dawn will bring you back to me~

The dawn will bring you back to me~


A silver storm seemed to be set off as it surrounded María's body in its wind. I turn around to look at Mamí but she sakes her head meaning she has nothing to do with this. The silver storm took María's body into the air. I stood up on my feet to look closer.

As the silver cloud slowly started to disappear María's body slowly floated to the ground. She fell into my arms and I held her with ease. I held her like my bride. I trailed my eyes around María. I saw her rosy cheeks again. Her tan skin. A voice took me out of my thoughts and captured all of us.

'Take care of my daughter' it stated.

I nodded not sure what for but I did. As I did nod María's necklace slowly started to melt off her neck and fall to the floor. It hit the floor with a clank. What caught my attention though was the sound that came after.

A gasp of air!


I may or may not have cried a bit while writing this chapter.....also hope you like the ending of this chapter not sure how I feel about it but I think its interesting! Hope you lads and lassies enjoyed! Hope ye are safe and well! See ye soon!

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