Author's Note

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Heyyy anyone who's reading this!

Tbh I completely forgot this fic exists, considering I haven't been using Wattpad regularly for years now (it high-key sucks now ngl), but I figured I might mess around and update it again soon :) 

I'm honestly just surprised that people have been reading this and actually want updates (judging by the comments left on the last chapter at least), considering this started with a very vague idea I had when I was 14 and salty about Matthew dying (but because I was 14, of course this fic was destined to be angsty). But yeah I lost steam pretty quickly. So.....

Yeah I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I figured I might give this story another crack, two and a half years after the last update, because, hey, I still love Downton, and I've been meaning to practice my writing. The low stakes of continuing an old Wattpad fanfic seem perfect for that.

So yeah, thanks if you read this, and I hope to bring you some actual plot soon, and not just leave you with 4 short chapters of exposition.

- Aly :)

P.S. (more of a question than a postscript) Low-key thinking about just straight up rewriting the first few chapters, anyone particularly attached to those? I mean it would probably only happen if I was feeling especially motivated some day, but in theory? What do we think

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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