Chapter 3 - Mary's POV

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I checked the clock on the hospital wall. Matthew should have been back by now. Whatever could have been keeping him? Not Mama and Papa, surely. They'd be so eager to see this little guy. I looked down at the little boy in my arms. Such a little darling!

I heard the door open. "Yes?" I said, thinking it would be Dr. Clarkson or a nurse of some sort. People were mumbling to each other. I caught something along the lines of "You tell her," or "She'll take it's best if it comes from you".

I looked up at the person walking into the room. It was Mama.

"Hello Mary. How are you and the little one?" Mama came and sat down on the chair next to my bed.

"We're alright. A bit tired, but that's normal, I suppose." I answered.

"You look a bit pale, darling. Are you sure everything is fine?" She took my hand that was lying on the edge of the bed.

"No, it's really nothing. It's silly of me to worry so. Only, Matthew said he'd be back at three, and it's already five." I frowned slightly as I looked at Mama. "He is outside with the others, right?"

Mama looked down at her lap, twirling the ring on her finger around."Mary, there's something I need to tell you."

I sat up, a frown of worry spreading over my face. "What, what is it?" Mama turned away slightly. "Mama, please say there's nothing wrong!"

She took both of my hands in hers, and looked up again. "Mary, my poor, little, darling Mary, I'm afraid Matthew was in a car crash. They're not sure if he'll pull through."

I sunk back on to the bed in shock.

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