Chapter 1 - Matthew's POV

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"Go back and tell the others. They must be dying to know how we are"

"Okay" I got up from the chair. "I'll get going then. I know you just want to chase me away." I teased.

As I made my way to the door I watched Mary bend her head over the little one. I know she'll be a wonderful mother, I hope I can live up to her. I stood lingering in the doorway, not wanting to leave her and the baby alone for even a second. I didn't notice Dr. Clarkson until he was standing behind me, wanting to go in.

"Let her rest," he said. "She'll be able to go back to the Abbey tomorrow, if she's feeling up to it."

I thanked him and nearly ran down the hallway. I know Cora and Robert musst be aching for news! I got in the car, forgetting to start it before I stepped on the gas. All I could think about was little George and how happy he made me. And of course Mary.

I was glad that I only had to drive through the estate and didn't have to bother looking out for cars. I admit, I was maybe going a bit to fast, but I was so filled with happiness that I didn't care. Suddenly I saw a truck come round the corner. I only had time to think what in the world it was doing here at this time before I blacked out.

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