Chapter 2 - Isobel's POV

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I was starting to get impatient. Matthew had said he'd only stay half and hour at most, and yet he had been gone for the best part of two! Just as I was wondering what might have happened, Cora voiced my thoughts.

"What is taking Matthew so long? He isn't usually one to keep us waiting."

"Leave the poor chap alone, Cora, he's meeting his son for the first time! You won't be any better when it's you meet your first grandson" Although Robert spoke surely I could sense his impatience as well.

"We might as well call the hospital to see if we can join them." I said jokingly. Just as I finished my sentence the telephone began to ring. I heard Carson picking it up. I couldn't figure out what he was saying, but I didn't have to wonder long.

"It's for you Mrs. Crawley. From the hospital."

Carson seemed very anxious as I went to the phone. He's so afraid that something will happen to either Mary or the baby, though there's no need for worry now.

"Hello?" I picked up the receiver.
"Hello, are you Mrs. Crawley?" The voice on the other side said.
"Yes." I answered, not knowing what to expect.

"I'm afraid it's your son."

Matthew? Oh my Lord what's happened this time?

"He was in a car crash on the road out of the village. He is still alive but he lost a lot of blood on the way here. We're doing the best we can, but I'm afraid lying in the wet grass for an hour has not improved his state."

"I'll be right over." I croaked.

Matthew, who I nearly lost during the war, my darling boy! Why did this have to happen! I slowly walked back into the library.

"Isobel, what's happened?" Cora could sense my distress.

"It's Matthew."

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