
359 23 2

°•○●☆ 1 year Later ☆●○•°


"Mini! Hwa look!"

The two of us smiled and looked over at Yeosang who was happily laying down in the snow making snow angels while giggling to himself.

"Having fun Yeosangie??"


I sighed happily and turned to look around at the woods around us as it was being covered in sparkling white snow. All of the trees had a thick layer of snow on them and the river was completely frozen over just a few metres away.

I'll admit I wasn't a big fan of winter before this.

The darkness and the cold always just made me feel down especially when I was alone.

I was always more of a summer person and it always made me smile seeing all of the flowers brightening up the surroundings.

But, I do love looking at snow and the way it looks as it covers everything like a soft fluffy white blanket.

And now that I live with two people who love being out in the snow it has definitely changed my opinion on it.

"What are you two looking at?"

I turned back around as i felt a tap on the shoulder from Mingi who was standing with a smile on his face.

I slowly shook my head as I looked back over at him while an arm snaked its way around my waist.

"Nothing, it just looks really pretty"

"So do y-

I couldn't hold in my laughter as his flirting attempt was cut off by a snowball hitting his face.

Instead of being annoyed he just started laughing as he knelt down and picked up a ball of snow himself.

I looked over at the adorable little culprit who was giggling as he was making another ball of snow, He looked so cute in his little bunny hat, Mittens and coat that it made me smile every time I looked at him.

The two of them began their mini snowball fight as I stood at the side watching with our baby Jongho who was wrapped up in a warm blanket in my arms.

He looked so small and adorable in his little Teddy bear hat with matching mittens that I just wanted to squeal and cuddle him forever.

Today was the first time we had brought him out in the snow and Yeosang was so excited to see if Jongie enjoyed it.

And he seemed to be doing just that.

Ever since we stepped outside with him his eyes lit up and sparkled as he happily watched the snowflakes falling down above him.

We found it quite cute when Yeosang asked if he and Jongho could make snow angels together and build snowducks too.

But jongie is still less than two months old so we promised him he could when he's older which he instantly agreed to.

𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 × 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐇𝐰𝐚 [DESC]Where stories live. Discover now