UA entrance exam

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Next morning

I wake up to someone screaming in my ear at the top of their lungs saying "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD! YOU GOTTA GET UP AND GET READY FOR THE EXAMS!" I open my eyes and slowly look to my right and see the one and only Naruto Uzumaki yelling in my ear. My first though was "this is to early for this shit..." Ignoring him I get up and get ready by taking a shower and getting dressed in my normal attire. I walk down the stairs and I see toshinori at the table with my mom with breakfast already ready. I sit down quietly still not fully coherent and toshinori says full of energy "Eat young Midoriya you need as much energy as you can get." My mother acknowledging this nods her head fastly and nudges my plate towards me with a big smile. I slightly bow and say thank you as I start to eat.

UA entrance

I'm sitting on a tree branch watching kids my age walk into UA due to me being an hour early. I jump down from the tree and startle a few kids due to my sudden appearance but one girl in particular is now starring at me with a blush I could barely notice due to her pink skin. I then start to analyze here to see any other note-worthy features of her, finally landed on here upper face and see her black eyes with yellow retinas as well as her horns on her head. I decided to go up to her as we're walking to introduce myself. "Hey sorry if I'm being weird but I just wanted to say I love your eyes and horns... my name is Izuku Midoriya." After hearing my compliments she gets a deeper blush but is far from shy. She proceeds to smile the brightest smile I have ever seen as she starts to bounce and say "Oh my God that you my name is Mina Ashido... aren't you that kid from the news yesterday?!" I smile nervously and nod my head "yes actually that is me... was I that impressive?" Her still bouncing as we continue to walk she says "YES! It was amazing, you must be really strong!" Her not paying attention as we walk she trips on her own feet and falls, I act as quickly as I can and catch her bridal style. I look down at her with a smirk and see that her face is completely red even though her skin is naturally pink. She looks away out of embarrassment and says "Thankyousomuchigottagogoodluckbyee!!!" She then jumps out of my arms like a frog and runs into the auditorium as if her life depended on it. I chuckle and run in after her and I'm honestly shocked at how many kids are here now that I see them all together. I find my row and try and waddle my way to my seat without bothering anyone. I sit in my seat and notice that bakugo katsuki is sitting next to me. "Maybe I should wait to reintroduce myself until we both get to school." Present Mic then walks onto the stage and he yells "ARE YOU READY MY LITTLE HEROS IN TRAINING!?!?" No one responds and he continues to talk as I tune him out and rest my eyes. A couple minutes into his presentation a blue haired interrupts him to say "You speak of 4 training robots but on your pamphlet it only shows three, if this is behavior from the top heroics school in Japan you should be ashamed of yourself!" He then quickly turns around and points his outstretched arm towards me and proceeds to yell at me "And you! If you don't take this seriously then you aren't meant to be a hero and you should just leave immediately!" I stand up looking as calm as can be, but deep down I wanted to cast a genjutsu on him to make him think he's naked in front of all these people. But instead I just retaliate by saying "Hey Sonic... maybe if you were to wait for him to finish you would of found out that the fourth is worth zero points and should be avoided if you encounter it... now sit and shut it." I sit back down with a slight smirk on my face as I get a couple chuckles out of the crowd, including one from bakugo. Sonic with a slight blush sits back down without another word.

Training area B

I'm now standing in front of the biggest wall I've ever seen. I then look around me to see who exactly I'll be participating with, but then I lay my eyes on Mina, and it looks as if she's dancing as she sways her body side to side. I start to walk up to her so we can talk more before the physical part of the exam start, but I'm stopped by none other than Sonic the hedgehog. My smile drops nit wanting to hear what he has to say right about now but out of kindness I turn around and face him. "Were you about to go up to her and distract her? I think you should leave her alone." I just ignore him with an unsincere smile and turn around about to walk over to her when Present Mic yells over the loudspeakers "Goooooo!" With a new objective in mind I take off with a newfound speed, leaving my cloak to slowly fall to the ground as if there was never a person standing there wearingone. As I'm running up to the first group of training bots my hand starts to glow with electricity and I yell "chidori!" and I proceed to slice them all and I stand there and walk away as they explode behind me. Smirking I form the hand sign for shadow clones then I yell "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" and twenty exact copies of me run around the site absolutely destroying any bot that comes into their sight.

Observation room

"It seems we have a lot of good potential this year, huh?" Principle Nezu says with a smirk on his face. A sleep deprived man with long black hair and bags under his eyes responds with a simple nod and a smirk as he watches izuku to take out multiple bots with a sudden mudslide that appeared right in front of him and only destroys the bots and nothing else. Then suddenly the sleep deprived man says "I want that kid in my class" as he points at the screen showing izuku. Nezu somewhat surprised by the sleep deprived man's behavior, but responds with a smirk on his face and says "sure... but I think it's about time to see what these kids are worth." Then he proceeds to press a big red button.

Back with Izuku

I'm just running around destroying bots and helping other kids when all of a sudden the ground starts to shake. I run up the side of a building and land on the roof to see what's going on and once I see my eyes widen and I start to run away but I stop in my tracks when I hear a loud scream coming from the direction of the zero pointer. I don't even look who is stuck under the rubble about to be crushed by the huge robot, I just run at top speed towards the robot and once I get there I stand in front of it looking up to it and say "Oh this is gonna be fun." I close my eyes and open them to reveal my eternal mangekyou sharingan and then my body starts to glow a green hue as a huge figure forms around my body first starting with the skeleton then the body. Once it's done manifesting I'm now a huge green samurai with wings on its back and holding a katana, and without a delay I first chop off it's left arm, then right arm, then finally the head. I then tap it's just and have it fall backwards then I chuckle as I start to shrink back to normal.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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