Count to Ten

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I put on my sweatshirt and my jeans before climbing out my window to get to school. I pulled down the sleeves of my shirt to cover up the newly sliced cuts that ran all the way up to the inside of my elbow. I also had scars up my fat thighs that weren't caused by me that I hated. It was stupid to cut, I know that but it, I don't know... It helps in a sick, messed up way? God, I need help. I trudged to hell- I mean school where I was met by a bunch of girls blocking my locker. "Excuse me." I said in a small voice. They spared me a glance before scoffing. I kneeled down and shuffled underneath them to get to my small locker. My locker door was slammed against my head, making me dizzy. I shook it off and got up. "1...2...3...4," I breathed, "5...6...7...8...9...10..." I took another breath and walked to class, getting there early. I sat down for a few minutes but my peace was interrupted by Lindsey, the cheerleading captain, "did you do my homework, whore?" I frowned and handed her her homework which I did along with mine.
The teacher came in a few minutes late as usual and began teaching. "You will also have a project to work on, I like to call it the Crypt Project. You will be paired together by my choosing- yes I know you're all excited," he responded to the groans of distaste though I just listened quietly.
He explained the project, we would pick a mythical or extinct animal that could be real or still alive. We'd have to try and prove it was real even if we didn't think it was. "Now, Lindsey and Payton..." The list went on and I didn't really care until I heard my name, "Alice and... looks like Keith Salaway." He droned on and my eyes widened, oh no not him. If I could fall to the floor screaming, I would, but I don't think that's an option.
"Sit next to your partner and I will hand out a paper of cryptic creatures to choose from, you have everything from the 50 foot long Megalodon to a 2 inch tall pixie. Have fun, everything you need is on the paper." He instructed as he passed out the papers and everyone sat next to each other. "Hey, Red." I heard next to me and I gave a small wave, my mouth failing to move. Damn my anxiety. "What? Are you mute? Talk." He joked lightly but I downcast my eyes, finding courage to make sound. "Hi." I was able to get out in almost as a squeak. He fake applauded me and I frowned, "what do you wanna do for the project?"
"Dunno, that huge shark sounds pretty easy." I nodded a bit confused, why did he care if it was easy if I was going to do all the work like always in a project.
"Why do you care if it's easy?" I asked, which came easier now.
"Because I'm too lazy to do something hard?" He responded like it was obvious.
"Oh I thought-" I stammered- "well I usually do all the work and put my partner's name on it." He shrugged and that was that. I filled out the paper we were given and he kept talking about things I didn't care much about, it was all guy stuff. When the bell rang he asked if he could go to my house to work on this "dumb project". I shook my head fast, he couldn't possibly come to my house, my dad would kill me! He looked at me confused but just gave me his address instead.
When it was time for Gym I went to the locker room to put in a ponytail put on the ear band for my glasses so they stayed on. I was suddenly shoved to the floor, "god! You're good for nothing, at least do something." The girls said as they kicked me. Paisley kicked me in the mouth, I yelped and spat out a bit of blood. "Ew! You're disgusting!" They fanned themselves as they ran out. I got up shaking and tried my best not to limp as I went to the basketball court where gym was held. I wrote myself a note that said my asthma was acting up, I didn't have asthma. I sat out and watched everyone play dodgeball. The bell rang after half an hour, I changed quickly and ran from school before any of my bullies saw me. I was about to cross the street when a motorcycle stopped in front of me, "need a ride?" He asked and I recognized it was Keith. I shook my head but he insisted.

"Ah!" I screamed as he kept swerving around cars, "you're insane!" He only laughed at my yells, we finally stopped in front of an apartment complex. "This isn't my house, Keith." I said but he didn't seem to care. We walked up a few flights before we reached the door. We walked in and I was grabbed by the arm, I flinched at the sudden contact. "Oh my god! T-shirt, no booty shorts, glasses, unbleached hair. YOU'RE NORMAL, THERE'S HOPE YET!" A girl a bit older than me shouted excitedly and I cracked a smile, I'm anything but normal.
"Shut up, Lauren. Get a life." He said but there was no lightness to his voice and his eyes were cold towards her. She scowled and left, "that was mean, she was trying to joke around." I scolded. He scoffed and gave a disgusted look towards door she left through.
We started the project, he wanted to do a video while I wanted to do a PowerPoint. "You have to present the PowerPoint. You only have to show a video." He reasoned and I thought, I didn't like public speaking at all. "Good point, video it is." I decided with a nod. I was busy researching stuff on his laptop that, I hate to admit, was much better than mine which had been smashed to bits last week. I found documentary after documentary on it, his mom brought us a bowl of popcorn and we watched them all. "You know what'd be funny," he started and I turned, "if our video was like some old, crazy fisherman or some shit giving a tale of a 100 foot shark." I softly laughed at how stupidly funny that would be to make.
"What time is it?" I said casually as I remembered my curfew and if I was a minute late how dead I'd be. "7:30," Keith told me and I shot up.
"I have to get home!" I almost shouted, I was and hour and a half late.
"What? Calm down, I don't like yelling." He said,
"I have to go like right now. I'll see you tomorrow I guess." Before he could respond I left his bedroom and walked to the door, "Alice, won't you stay for dinner?" His mom asked politely and I shook my head.
"N-no, I'm sorry. I have to get home." My voice cracked and she looked at me with worry. I left and started running home, I made it to my front door and carefully opened it and shut it. I tiptoed to the kitchen where I found my dad sitting in one of our rickety old chairs. "Took you fucking long enough, princess." He growled at me, his eyes were red and I felt fear in the pit of my stomach.
"I had to do a project with a friend." I said in a quavering voice, I was shaking.
The next morning I woke up with my eye throbbing and my face raw from tears. It hurt to move but I got up anyway and went to get ready. In the mirror, my eye was deep purple and my other eye was reddish pink from crying. "Mom where are you?" I cried as I grasped the locket she gave me before she died from lung cancer, it was all due to second-hand smoke from the drugs my dad did.
I made it to my first period, 'RESEARCH' was written on the board so I sat by Keith who was swiveling bored on a computer chair. "Took you long enough."
"You could've started without me." I said,
"That would require work, work requires effort. Effort hurts my brain." He said and I rolled my eyes which was a bad idea, I sat down, my legs ached horribly. "Hey, Red," he looked at me, looking as if he were studying something, "look at me." I turned hesitantly and he tilted my chin towards him.
"Who did that?" He questioned and I ripped my head away, not answering.

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