Burning Bar

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Alice's POV-
It was Saturday morning when I woke up. It took a minute to realize that I was moved to Keith's room. "Morning, Red." I heard a tired voice next to me.
"Morning." I responded my voice barely there.
"You ok?"
"Yeah, just lost my voice a bit." I said with my voice crackling. I got up ad decided to shower since I was sweating, though I felt like I was frozen. I rinsed off and put my hair in a high ponytail that was still damp. I put on a Tshirt and shorts before finding my way to the kitchen for breakfast. I didn't realize no one was home except Keith who was just watching some TV. I made myself some toast and sat down quietly eating. I plopped down next to him as he flipped through channels.
Keith's phone rang and he picked up. "Sup?"
"Your kidding right?... Why did you think that was a good fucking idea? Well if the bartender made you mad then it's justified. YES, I'm being sarcastic you twat. Fine, you can hide here until tonight then I want your asses out.," He hung up and looked to me, "we're getting company."
"We're getting what?"
"Remember those guys from the day you got lost? They apparently are in a bit of trouble, nothing new, but they're staying here for the day."
"No..." I whined.
"It'll be fine, they are no worse than me, you deal with me pretty well."
"Yeah but it's different, I was forced to have to tolerate you. It took at least a week for you to grow on me." I clarified and he scoffed.
"Forced is a strong word."
"You're a dork." I shook my head.
"I think we both know the real dork is, Foureyes." He said.
"Hey! You're mean." I pouted and he smirked. I met his eyes for a minute and it looked like he was going to kiss me until there was a knock at the door. "Fucking hell." He cursed and got up. He opened the door to 5 noisy boys who came crashing in. I sat cross-legged as I watched the 6 of them argue. "It was your idea to get matches." One yelled.
"It was his idea to throw one inside!"
"I thought it'd go out, how could I have known it'd burn down the fucking place."
"You're all idiots, so shut up!" Keith shouted and everyone quieted down a bit. I was just watching quietly, still picking on my breakfast. "What's the redhead still doing around?" One of them noticed.
"Someone's late to the party." I laughed.
"What's she talkin about, Kit?"
"What did I fucking say if you called me Kit again?" Keith threatened, grabbing him by the shirt.
"You'd punch me in the face."
"As long as you don't break my n-" he was cut off by Keith punching him straight in the face.
"Well... That happened." I said surprised a bit by the guy who was currently groaning on the floor. "Was that necessary? I think your mom might notice blood on the carpet." I said, my voice still crackling.
"Shut up, I'm handling something."
"You're handling it pretty well." I said with a short laugh.
"I don't think any of us have met a girl who can watch us get into a fight and not mind." One of them said almost amazed that I was freaking out. After a few minutes I was able to figure out myself which guy was which. There was Hess, Erik, Jace, Myron, and finally Vance. "Where's Ty and Jackson?" Keith asked, noticing there were two missing.
"They were caught in a cross fire. Cops got'em." Jace said, holding an ice pack over his eye.
"Poor bastards, Jack took a bullet for Vance." Hess shook his head.
"Now if we had you around more this wouldn't happen would it?" Myron added.
"Well I'm sorry I have a life." Keith said sarcastically.
"Yeah but you're the one who kept us from doing stupid shit like this!"
"Are we still talking about Keith, I though all he did was stupid shit." I snarked and Keith glared at me.
"Oh come on, name one thing you've done that didn't end horribly for one of us."
"Your tattoo came out fine didn't it."
"Fine, I'll give you that one." I rolled my eyes.
"Kit had you get a tattoo?"
"Do you want another fucking black eye, Jade." (A/N- I read that's a nickname for Jace lol)
"Gaghhh." He groaned and I laughed.
After about two hours of the boys just goofing off, everyone started coming home. "Dad! Keith has... People here!" Zack yelled down the hall that had the neighbors telling him to shut up. "We have names, fuckhead." Vance said, seemingly offended.
"I don't care, get out." He snarled.
"No. We don't listen to people like you." Jace stepped forward.
"It's like we have 6 Keith's!" He complained before hiding on the balcony. Ms. Salaway and Steven got in the door a minute later. "HI PHILLIS!" They all greeted in unison.
"Hi, you five. My, it's been a while since you've been here."
"Who in... Who are they?" Steven raised eyebrow.
"Friends of Keith's." She told him casually and went to the kitchen.
"I was hoping that Alice was the only person we had to worry about..."
"How do you and Zack still think I'm some sort of whore?!" I exclaimed, frustrated and annoyed.
"Aren't you?" Zack cut in through the screen.
"Fuck you."
"Well aren't you just a ball of sunshine."
"Leave the girl alone, goldilocks." Vance told Zack.
"Keith is blonder than me!"
"Yeah but his hair isn't curly now is it?" I raised an eyebrow, sitting down on the armrest of the couch. He grumbled incoherently and shut the glass door. The boys were watching some stupid movie, I had to finish my book so I hung out with Lauren for a while. Lauren was writing out her essays for her college applications so it was quiet. Unfortunately, my dark thought decided to pay me a visit in the quiet room... Now everyone hates me. What's the point of being here if I'm hated by everyone? The balcony is only ten feet away... No, I'm not doing that. Why did I have to throw away my knife? I took a deep breath as a migraine set in, "1...2...3...4..." I counted up to ten, taking deep breaths between each number. It didn't work this time, it always works, why can't I calm down? I put the back of my head on the cold, purple wall and squeezed my eyes shut. "You ok?"
"Yeah, I have a migraine."
"Did you have breakfast?" She asked.
"Yeah, I had something small."
"Try eating something, it might help." She recommended and I shook my head. I don't not need extra calories in my diet, thank you very much. "I'm not hungry."
"Then take a nap or something."
"Maybe in a bit, I just need to finish my book." I told her. I rolled my eyes to find the most irritating lights were on the ceiling. Lauren handed me a Tylenol from the bathroom. If only she handed me the full bottle... What's wrong with me?!
I finally finished my book at the same time Ms. Salaway asked for me or Lauren to help with the dishes. I decided to help and let Lauren work on her stuff. "I want you just to load the dishwasher while I clean up this mess they made." She told me, walking over to the mess of a kitchen table. I gave a curt nod and put dishes and cups into the dishwasher.
I got to the forks and spoons when I came across some knives thrown around. I picked up a smaller one and just looked at it for a minute, it looked the same as the one I had. It was sharper though. I put it next to the sink and loaded up the dishwasher, I rinsed off the knife and was just fiddling with it in the sink. The TV was blaring, making my migraine worse. I held it to my wrist for a moment before a hand grabbed my arm and moved it away. "Put it down, Alice." Keith said, startling me. I blinked, focusing again. I let go of the knife and let it clatter to the counter. No one took notice, except Keith who didn't look very happy. "You said you stopped."
"I-I did. I don't why I did that." I stuttered, tugging on my hair slightly.
"Come watch a movie with us." He told me and I sat down on the couch next to him, holding my knees to my chest. They were trying to pick a movie, of course it was a horror movie. The Mist was what the title of the movie. "Thank god your sister is a Netflix fanatic." Jace acknowledged.
"Not my sister."
"Step-sister, god you're particular." He mumbled.
"How many Walking Dead characters can be in one movie?" I asked, I found Andrea, Dale and Carol, geez.
"Shut up and watch." Jace said and I sighed. The guy was in the loading dock, I jumped when the door started shaking. "Oh come on, it isn't that bad." Vance scoffed and I glared at him.
"Don't worry, you can hang onto me if you want." Erik winked.
"Yeah, right." I said, "Ee!" I squeaked as the guy got grabbed by something. I subconsciously clung to Keith who was on the other side of me. "Hah!" Keith smirked.
"Shut up and watch the fucking movie!" Hess shouted and we went on watching the movie. "No! Not... Random guy!" Jace cried dramatically.

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