One Mistake

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I had to pretty much dragged Keith to school, he was not happy. We had to be in class for all presentation days to get full credit on the assignment for whatever reason. "If your not here then we both get a lowered grade." I reminded.
"I don't care." He complained.
"It's our final project, it'll boost me to an A+, I want that grade or else I don't get into a decent college a year from now."
"You worry too much."
"No I don't, can we please go?" I pleaded.
"Are you two done?" Mr. Silicone asked impatient as he was listening from the door.
"Oh, uh, yep." I stammered and we took our seats. I felt a sharp nail poke me in the back, I turned around to see Paisley with an expectant look. "Did you finish or project?" She asked sharply and I was taken aback.
"I told you no. I didn't do your stupid project."
"I told you-"
"You told me and I said no. It's not like you even gave me your project anyway, idiot."
"Your supposed to do exactly as we say, you little bitch." She sneered and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not your little slave, you may not be aware but that is illegal now." I said sarcastically.
"Me and Lindsey are going to fail because of you!" She whisper-shouted.
"You're already a failure." Keith said and I laughed, turning back around. Paisley and Lindsey were the first to go up and all they had was one slide of pictures. "So... What information have you collected about fairies?"
"Erm, they're two inches tall with a wing span of 4 inches... Um they eat berries and live in Pixie Hollow?" They said nervously and I bit my lip to stifle a laugh. "Just go sit down." he sighed, calling up the next group. We got to the videos, boring would be an understatement. We started getting homework again as the day went on and I was expected to do 6 other people's homework as well as mine, yeah right. It's weird, a month ago I would've bent over backwards for all these people but now I couldn't care less if they wanted me to do something. In English we had to be paired up for a narrative of some sort. I was unfortunate enough to be paired with someone nerdier and geekier than me. This guy was just weird, all he talked about was video games and shit. "Do you ever shut up?" I asked rudely, running my fingers through my hair.
"Maybe I just like talking to a pretty girl?" He said, trying to be smooth.
"Hah, a geek and a freak. A match made in heaven." One girl poked at me and I wanted to set her on fire.
"Oh, would you look at that! The bell! Later dude." I said before quickly leaving.
"Wait, where are we doing the essay?"
"I don't know, I'll ask to see if you can go over where I'm currently staying."
"You mean your house?"
"Sort of." I said before I walked off. I didn't even know this kid's name and I hate him. I'm having Déjà Vu... Whatever. I went to Math and spent the first half of lunch at Art and sitting doing nothing for the rest. "Hey, Red. Heard you have another project?" Keith asked after Gym and I was on my way to History. "Yeah, some story about whatever and I got paired with this a guy I already hate."
"A guy?" He questioned, jealousy filling his eyes.
"Calm down, I hate this guy. He's gross."
"That's my girl." He smirked, slinging an arm over my shoulder.
"Your girl? I thought you don't date." I pointed out.
"I don't... Forget I said that." He said, his smirk falling and I laughed.
"I'm joking, chill. Ask your mom if this guy can come over so I can get it over with."
"Ugh, it was bad enough letting you in."
"Hey!" I shoved his and he chuckled.
"I'm joking, chill." He imitated and I rolled my eyes. We made it to my class across campus, "see you after school, I think I'm leaving."
"See ya, don't get in trouble."
"No promises." He said walking off, I smiled and went to my seat in the front. We read from the book about World War 2 which I found really interesting, don't judge me. I went to my last period which was Biology, easy stuff and that concluded my day.
I bumped into the guy from English in the parking lot unfortunately. "Hey, need a ride?" He asked a bit eagerly and I shook my head.
"I have a ride, don't worry."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure."
"Where can we do the essay?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow."
"My house?"
"I'll. Tell you. Tomorrow." I said slowly and he looked down. My phone rang, ☠Keith was the caller ID and I picked up. "Where are you? I've been waiting forever." Was the first complaint.
"I'll be right there." I laughed and turned to walk to where he usually parks.
"So you really have a ride?" the guy interrupted and I groaned, "For God's sake, yes I have a ride!"
"Who was that?" Keith asked sternly.
"The guy from earlier asking me something. I'll be there in a sec. Promise."
"Who is your ride?" He asked and I walked until Keith came into view.
"None of your business." I said sharply, getting annoyed now. Could this guy give it a rest? "Feisty Redheads." He mumbled and my eye twitched.
"Red, let's go!" Keith shouted, seeing me now. I nodded and made my way over. "Oh, that's your ride..." Was this kid following me now? Creep. "I'm right here, waiting a minute didn't kill you now did it?" I ignored the kid and stood by Keith.
"Guess not, ready to go?" He asked, eyeing the guy who was a few cars behind me.
"Definitely." I told him and we left a second later.

We were back at the apartment and I immediately started my homework. "Why do you have 6x the binders you need?" Keith asked.
"That is... Paisley's, Jack's, Kaytlin's, Caitlyn's, Kyle's and Rebecca's homework." I said and he looked at me.
"I'm just going to put in all the wrong answers." I told him.
"Have fun with that." He said and spun around in the desk chair next to me.
"It's what I live for." I sighed and got to work. My hand was actually cramping half-way through. I took a break for dinner which was luckily pizza. I helped Ms. Salaway clean up afterwards. "Ms. Salaway, I was wondering, I have an essay due on a few day, can I have the person I'm working with over for about an hour tomorrow or the day after?" I asked politely.
"Sure, sweetie." She told me and I thanked her before going back to my work. I finally finished around 7:00 and didn't even bother putting anything away. "I don't think I can open my hand." I said dramatically as I tried to stretch my fingers out.
"It's your own fault for deciding to do other people's homework."
"Shut up." I told him and he raised his hands in defense. I yawned, "I'm going to take a shower." He just nodded. I grabbed pajamas and was off. I rinsed off quickly, the warm water making me more tired. I got out and got dressed, I tied my hair in a high ponytail and was ready to relax for a bit. "I'm so freaking tired." I moaned and crashed onto Keith's bed face first. Keith lightly laughed at me. "Since I'm a normal teenager, I'm not tired. I'm going to go out tonight."
"Where?" I questioned.
"Why do you need to know."
"Because I'm the awesomest person you'll ever meet." I said, putting my face back down.
"You keep thinking that." He said and I flipped him off, not feeling like getting up again.
The next morning I woke up and almost kicked open a half empty beer bottle. "Keith..."
"You can't get mad because it was one beer. And a half." He said and I sighed. I rubbed my eyes and proceeded to pack up my stuff and pick out an outfit. "Tshirt or Hoodie today?" I asked myself out loud.
"Neither." Keith said slipping on a white Tshirt.
"Then what would you suggest I wear?" I asked, crossing my arms and looking at him. "Well..." He said and lo and behold he picked out an outfit. Light grey-blue shorts and a black, razorback crop-tank top. "Your better at this than me." Which is pretty pathetic. I added my own touch with a muddled plaid over shirt that I left unbuttoned, it read Music in big white letters across the back. I got dressed in the bathroom after Lauren got out, I braided my hair and I was ready to go.
We got to school a bit late and we got to the last of the projects. "Alice and Keith, your up." Mr. Silicone told us and we nodded. Our video was  up on the smart board and all we had to do was lean on the second, unused teacher's desk. I sat on in, kicking my legs slightly as I smiled proudly at what we put together. "It had to be 75 feet in length, knocked my BEEP boat over and I had to swim 20 miles to shore." I talked Keith into acting like an old fisherman with a yellow raincoat and a beard. I laughed at it, everyone else found it amusing too. We went through other scenes that we just did a voice over of a documentary we found. We got to the end where it showed what the Mega-whatever ate and all that except some of my voiceover got cut off and you could hear Zeke before I turned off the camera. "You said you cut him out." Keith grumbled, obviously mad.
"I did, it must've gotten messed up." I whispered back.
"Yeah, right."
"What do you mean 'yeah, right'? It was an accident. It sounded fine a few days ago, I swear." I said and he didn't respond.
"You know I wouldn't do that intentionally." I said and he glared at me. I didn't do anything wrong. "You can't seriously be pissed over this, one sentence isn't a big deal. Calm the fuck down." I said quietly, irritated by his jealousy.
"Just shut up." He snapped and I was a bit taken aback. A splattered applause erupted and my head shot over to where it came from.
"Nice job, you two." He said and we were sent back to our seats. We sat quietly and didn't talk to each other.
2nd period came and I had to sit next to that guy again. "Hey." He greeted flirtatiously with a unattractive smirk. I was not in the mood for this guy. "Leave me the hell alone and you might leave this class will all your limbs." I snarled.
"Yes ma'am" he said and I rolled my eyes. We had to write about a girl who was new to a school and was bullied because she was new, boring and too familiar. I saw Keith walk past the door and I raised my hand asking to get a drink. "Are you going to talk to me?" I asked after the door clicked shut. "I wasn't planning to."
"Oh come on, it was an honest mistake." I told him and he huffed.
"That guy just pisses me off."
"But why? You say you don't date so their is no reason for you to get upset, is there?" I asked him.
"Just does."
"Tell me why." I said and by now I was right in front of him.
"I'll pick you up later." He mumbled before leaving and I was left in the middle of the empty hallway. I looked down and held my arm behind me. "You'll pick me up later..."

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