First Party

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I woke up late, as expected Keith was still asleep. The apartment was quiet leaving me to assume no one was home. "Hey. Keith, it's late. Wake up." I shook him gently.
"Keith, come on." I smiled and shook him a bit more. The next thing I knew I was underneath Keith and his lips were on mine. "Good morning to you too. That was a bit unexpected."
"I try to keep it fresh."
"I see that. Now get off me, you're crushing me."
"Aw, you like it."
"Seriously, your crushing my ribs." I laughed.
"Fine." He breathed dramatically.
"I'll make breakfast if you get up."
"Yes ma'am." He finally got off me.
"Boys 101, always feed them to keep them happy." I rolled my eyes and got up, I made my way to the kitchen which wasn't too far a distance. After breakfast was about the time everyone got in the door. "Oh, you two are finally up! I have some news for you."
"You're dumping Steven?"
"No, Keith-"
"You got me a new bike?"
"No! We're going on vacation."
"Oh, ok."
"Where are we going?" I piped.
"We are going to Disneyland-" Steven went to answer.
"That's more for kids." Keith interrupted.
"We got a hotel right by the beach so if you don't like it, you can hang out there."
"Cool, how long are we staying.
"The whole spring break."
"We wanted to tell you a week early so that you had time to pack." She said.
"Mom, we just went last year. You aren't becoming the "Goes to Disney Every Year" mom are you?"
"I thought it'd be fun, your childhood ended a bit early, thought this might make up for that." She smiles sadly and Keith sighed.
"I'll go but I don't need to make up for the last two years of my childhood, I don't care about two years."
"Do you want to start packing now?" I asked.
"Sure, Keith go start packing. Alice you aren't going." Steven gave a nod.
"She's not what?"
"You couldn't think that we were bringing her did you."
"It's fine, if Steven thinks it'd be best to leave a girl he doesn't know in his home for a week than its fine."
"Go home."
"If I could, do you think I'd still be here? My dad kicked me out."
"You're being so dramatic."
"No I'm not, he hates me." I said and he looked at me like he didn't believe me.
"He said it to my face. He doesn't lie."
"I'll drive you to your house and show you you are completely exaggerating."
"Steven, that's not a good-" Keith started.
"Be quiet."
"I-I can't go back. It was bad enough when we went last week!" I rambled on.
"Alice!" Keith snapped me out of my state of panic.
"He's not going to drive you to your house, just calm down. And you're coming with us."
"Steven, the poor thing is scared to death of seeing her dad. I don't think this is just the problem that she says." Ms. Salaway said, pulling Steven aside.
"It's ok." Keith said as I was shaking slightly.
"No one gets that freaked out over seeing their parent." Ms. Salaway whispered a bit too loud.
"Oh please, I see kids like this all the time. They come in, work up this whole story and its ludicrous." Steven dismissed.
"I don't know, she's not that kind of girl."
"Red, what's this on your arm?" Keith asked looking at a handprint bruise on my forearm.
"Nothing." I lied pathetically.
"Red, who gave you the bruise because this wasn't there yesterday."
"He told me not to say anything."
"Oh and Keith, I forgot to mention that Myron's family is going too!"
"He's what?!" I exclaimed, and my eyes widened.
"Ok mom. It wasn't him was it?" He questioned me.
"I told him I wasn't interested in me and he got mad. It's not like he hit me."
"Look at your arm!"
"It's a bruise, it will heal. Please let's just forget it happened?"
"For now, fine." He said, still obviously unhappy about it. He crossed his arm and leaned against the counter. "I'm going to start packing I guess." I said, I went to my room.
"Alice! I need to go shopping, come with me."
"I don't like shopping."
"Come on, it'll be fun!"
"I don't want to."
"I'll go with you." Keith shrugged.
"Ok, fine." I told her and she cheered, oh god.

When we got to the mall, we took the car, Lauren pretty much dragged me to Victoria's Secret. I hate this store, but I apparently need to buy some bathing suits. Keith refused to go in. Lauren shoved two bathing suits in my arms and made me try them on.
I couldn't pull either of them off, I wasn't skinny enough. "Maybe we should try a different size?" The one woman asked.
"I think you're more of a small."
"Yeah, sure." I frowned and I tried on the smaller size that I felt like I looked worse in. Lauren thought I looked great and dragged me out of the dressing room to show Keith. "Keith!" Lauren called.
"What-" he started before he turned around, "You look hot, Red." He smirked at me.
"No I don't, I look awful in this."
"Shut up, you look great. Get it."
"I don't want-"
"But I don't-"
"I just-"
"Fine! I'll get it..." I finally gave in and went back to the dressing room. I walked in the dressing room to hear a bunch of chattering girls. I turned a corner to find it was Lindsey and her entourage of whiney brats. "Oh look, the freak is here!"
"Are you seriously getting that? You look horrible!"
"You're too hideous to pull off any of this stuff."
"Guys, focus on me! I'm the one who you should be concerned about!" Lindsey rolled her eyes and they turned around. I gave her a quick smile and she nodded slightly. I changed into my T-shirt and shorts. I bought the two bathing suits and we moved on. We went to WetSeal where I was convinced to get a crop top that said 'Bad Ass' across it. At Hot Topic one of the workers was trying to get me to dye my hair blue (A/N- true story). "Omg if you did a red-to-blue ombré it would look so cool!" Lauren squealed and I laughed.
"I did it for my friend, Kim, a few years ago. It came out really good. I can do it for you too."
"Sure, which color do you think?"
"Try this one." Keith tossed me an electric blue.
"Nice. Oh my gosh is that a Beatles shirt?" My attention was diverged and I ran over to grab it. "She could live here, I swear." I heard Lauren day to Keith.
"Ok, I'm ready to check out." I smiled widely.
"Great." The guy behind the counter said. I put my shirt and hair dye. I couldn't help but grab a NCIS beanie and Harley Quinn bow. "I'm set." I said and grabbed my bag.
We were about ready to leave, Keith wrapped an arm around my waist. Right as we left Hot Topic, Lindsey walked in with her crew, whom gave me the dirtiest looks ever. "Let's go, I'm tired."
"Sure, Red."
"What's she doing with him?" I heard a whisper from the girls behind me.
"Like he would date something like her." I felt his grip around me tighten.
"Hey, Mr. Protective. Chill out, if it doesn't bug me. It shouldn't bug you." I assured him. He didn't respond for a minute. "Want me to pull around the car?" Lauren asked and I told her yes.
"He doesn't even seem to like her? Who would though." One of them cackled and I cringed at the irritating noise.
"What do you think of giving them a show?" Keith asked lowly with an undeniable smirk.
"Depends on what you have in mind." I answered with a smile. He leaned in and kissed me, it quickly deepened and I noticed all whispering from Lindsey and her friends ceased. "He's dating the freak?! What the hell!"
"Bummer." I heard Lindsey say simply. We made it outside finally after those girls stopped stalking us. Lauren was waiting by the door and we got in. "Who were those girls?"
"Kids who have been picking on me for years." I sighed.
"I think we shut them up."
"I think we did."
"What did you do?" Lauren asked.
"Nothing." "Made out." We answered at the same time and my face heated up immediately.
"Keith!" I exclaimed in embarrassment.
"You did what?!" Lauren questioned, choking on her tea from Teavana. "We made-"
"Oh my god, stop!" I said, covering my face with my hands. Keith laughed at my embarrassment and Lauren looked like she got told she got into her favorite college. "Let's just go, before I die of embarrassment..." I slouched.
"Awe." Lauren cooed and I mumbled a handful of profanities. We left the mall and went back to where Steven and Ms. Salaway were bickering about where they wanted to go first on vacation. "The beach would be great, the first day we can relax."
"If we hit the parks first it would be better."
"I thought Keith liked surfing and shit like that."
"He does but doesn't Lauren and Zack like to go on rides."
"Zack can't go, he has school."
"But we bought him a ticket."
"Well I guess we'll have to throw it away."
"What about Alice, she is going. Let's just give it to her!"
"I already said no."
"Hello to you too." Keith greeted and I stayed quiet.
"Oh, hi. We were just talking about the trip." Steven noticed us in the doorway.
"We could tell." Lauren mentioned.
"Why don't you want me to go?" I asked awkwardly.
"I'm not wasting money on some girl that Keith knows."
"If it were Lauren's friend you'd jump right on board but because it's me you won't allow it."
"That's not it, it's just that-"
"Let me guess, I'm just a whore? Don't you think I hear that enough in one day?!" I broke in, my frustration breaking free. I stormed out to the balcony and shut the door. "What does she mean by that Keith?" I could still hear them inside.
"Well if you bothered to pay attention to anything, she's been bullied at school for god knows how long. Her mom dying and her dad neglecting her was just the icing on the cake."
"How was I supposed to know that?"
"Because she was petrified of you driving her home this morning, I know you noticed that," Keith argued back, "and if you bothered to notice on the first day she was here, she had a black eye. That didn't come from school, didn't come from me," I noticed where he was going with it, he said he wouldn't tell anyone.
"You mean to tell me she's in a abusive home?"
"She was, yes." Damn you, Keith.
"I'll look into that when we come back from vacation."
"I'm not going if she isn't." I kind of take it back now, that's kind of sweet.
"Fine, she can go. As long as she doesn't mind her Disney pass having Zack's name on it."
"Shes not very picky." That was true.
"Fine then."
"Steven, honey, I think you owe her an apology." I heard Ms. Salaway say and I rolled my eyes.
"If I have to then fine." He grumbled and I heard the glass door unlock.
"I don't think she'll really want you to but go ahead." Keith doubted. I heard the door open and Steven stepped out.
"Don't bother apologizing, I know you don't mean it." I said.
"Told you so." Keith shouted and I fought the urge to crack a smile. Steven shrugged and left.
"Well today's been an interesting day." Keith said sitting next to me, shutting the door.
"Yes, yes it has." I answered.
"I'm going to a party later tonight, want to go. Get your mind off thing?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow.
"Why the hell not?"
"You know I wasn't expecting you to go for it but, what do you know."
"Hey," I exclaimed, offended.
"I just realized that means I have to borrow stuff from Lauren and that she will 'just have' to get me ready... Fuck."
"No backing out."
"Shut up. Whose party is it?"
"You might not like it too much but it's Sabrina's."
"Fuuuuuuuu-!" I grumbled loudly.
"It won't be that bad, I'll be right there."
"You won't mind me gripping onto you for dear life."
"My shoulder is still recovering from you dislocated it yesterday, but I think I can manage."
"I didn't pop your shoulder out the socket, stop being dramatic."
"I am the most honest person you'll ever meet."
"Ho yeah, sure."
"Name one time I've lied."
"Well- uh... Hm."
"See? You can't even think of one."
"Shush up, I'm going to ask Lauren to lend me some of her shit, this may be the last time I see you." I said, getting up.
"Who's being dramatic now?" He asked, standing up too.
"Trust me, I'm not." I sighed. He laughed and gave me a quick kiss before I left. I could definitely get used to that. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Lauren said with a weirded out face. I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Keith wants me to go to a party with him. I don't know what you wear to crap like that."
"Ee! I have something perfect for you!" She squealed, I love her but god she gets annoying!
She pulled out a fitted off-the-shoulder top and a skater skirt that fit me pretty well. The shirt was black and the skirt was a bright, electric blue. She curled my hair slightly and did makeup no matter how much I refused. She wouldn't let me where my glasses which I hated. "I can't see though."
"You luckily won't need to see well if you're at a party. I know what I'm doing, swear." She said. I let her do her thing and I looked in the mirror after she finished. "You look gorgeous!" She said, complimenting herself pretty much.
"Yeah, we'll be there soon... Yeah, she said she wanted to go. She'll be fine. Dude, just have everything set up, two songs we're playing." Keith was on the phone. What did he mean that they were playing two songs? I didn't bother questioning it and opened the door. "Ready?"
"Let's go, you look great." He said and we left. I tripped twice, I'm used to walking to converse, not wedges. We got to a huge house, "this is Sabrina's house?"
"Yeah, her family is loaded. Where did you think her spoiled attitude came from?"
"Good point."
"Let's go, Vance wants to kill me for being late."
"We have this band thing going on, we get paid to play at parties like this."
"Can't wait to hear it." I smiled and he sighed.
"Let's get this over with."

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