Wingardium Levifuckyou

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(Dedicating this chapter to Sugarpiecutie11 cuz I asked her to make me a cover 😌)

Harry Potter movies and books are the best way to start off a Sunday morning with your equally fanatical boyfriend's sister. "I want to go to Hogwarts!" Lauren yelled in genuine despair. I agreed with her completely as we binge watched all 8 movies and fanned over our favorite parts. "Isn't Harry Potter a kid's movie?" Keith asked amused and Lauren's face went red with anger.
"Is not!" I gaped, throwing a throw pillow at him, I missed and he scoffed before grabbing food from the kitchen.
"Ma! We're out of bread." He yelled out and we shushed him. How can anyone talk while Harry is kicking Malfoy's ass in a duel? Ms. Salaway told Keith to get it himself if he was that hungry. So he left to get food.
When Keith got home, his knuckles were bleeding again. "What did you do?" I asked exasperated.
"Why do you assume it was me who started anything?" He asked, acting offended.
"Shhhh, movie." Lauren shushed me and I rolled my eyes. He claimed to have closed the grocery store door on his hand which is the worst lie he's ever told. I could see it. "Nice going, you filthy muggle." Lauren said, believing him.
"The fuck is a muggle?" He asked and I face-palmed. I followed him to the kitchen, not just because I plan to find the truth one way or another but also because I now have to patch up his hand again. And I'm hungry for a late lunch. "So, truth?" I asked him as I put away the stuff he bought.
"Fine," he gave, "I punched Brax, or Bran, Fuckface, whatever his name is."
"You punched Brookes in the face because...?"
"I disagreed with him. Quite strongly." He said and I sighed. I'm sure the guy deserved it but Keith can't keep getting into a fight with everyone. "Well now I'll need to rebandage it and disinfect it. Again." I said, he just shrugged it off and left. I sat back down and finished watched the fifth movie with Lauren before deciding that we had to finish the movies tomorrow before my brain exploded. "I know, too much awesomeness in 5 movies." She yawned. I laughed and got up to go hunt down Keith so he doesn't get blood all around the house because he's an idiot. I love him but come on who punches someone is the face out of disagreement with them?

"You aren't suppose to pour half the bottle on my hand!" Keith exclaimed as I pour a bit of the antiseptic on his hand.
"Well then you shouldn't be moving should you? And your crushing my hand." I told him defensively as he held my one hand so I could fix it.
"Oops, sorry." He loosened his grip much to my relief.
"Just my metacarpals, don't worry..." I dismissed sarcastically. I wrapped up his hand and pinned it there with a bandage clip and a piece of tape. "Next time you have a 'disagreement' with someone, please don't get into a physical fight that will land you in jail. We are almost adults." I pointed out and he scoffed at me.
"Ok, Miss I-Watch-Kid-Movies."
"Wingardium LeviFuckYou." I said half-serious, half-not.
"I'm sorry, I've insulted the most sacred of movies and books." Keith joked and I glared at him slightly.
"There, you're all patched up. Again." I put on the last piece of tape. He stood up, "thanks, babe." He clasped his hands behind my back so that I was pressed up against him.
"Uh huh." I hummed and he gave me a kiss. It didn't feel like it was a long kiss until I went back by Lauren and the movie was over and she was starting the 6th one. "You didn't pause it?!"
"Hey, you decided to leave the room." Lauren defended herself and I groaned.

We were still watching the movies by the time night fall came, we watched all of them twice. I had fallen asleep on the couch along with Lauren. I woke up when Keith picked me up and nudged Lauren awake. "What time is it?" I asked with a yawn.
"10 pm." Keith answered with a chuckle. He set me down on his bed and I sat up.
"I have to shower though."
"You've sat on the couch all day watching Harry Potter and reading the books, I think you're fine." Keith shook his head and laughed, I waved him off and stood up tiredly and walked lazily to the bathroom to shower. I was just rinsing my hair when the door clicked open. "Keith, get out." I said, knowing it was him.
"Chill out, I'm just brushed my teeth." He dismissed and I sighed. I heard the toilet flush and my shower suddenly went really, really cold. I screeched in response and I heard Keith laugh. "Asshole!" I yelled and turned the water off as fast as I could. I reached out for my towel and felt it wasn't there.
I peaked out and saw Keith standing by the door with my towel and my clothes. Oh. Come. On! "Keith, give me my stuff." I begged, shivering from the artic level water that was just rained on me. "I guess you'll have to come get it." He winked at me and I whined like a child.
"Please?" I pouted, reaching out farther.
"Fine, you can have the towel." He tossed it to me and I caught it. I quickly wrapped it around my body tightly before stepping out of the shower. "Clothes, now." I put a hand on my hip and gave him a serious look. He smirked at me, he wasn't taking me serious as expected. "Bye Red." He chuckled before leaving me in the bathroom without my clothes.
"Oh come on!" I shouted and walked to the door and cracked it open. I peered out, the coast seemed clear. I tiptoed to Keith's room to get my clothes. I opened the door soundlessly and saw he had a shirt on the bed, I'm sure it's mostly clean. I picked it and felt arms wrap around my stomach making me squeak in surprise. Of course it was Keith, couldn't have just tried to initiate sex the normal way? Had to send me on a scavenger hunt for my clothes? 
I sucked in a breath as he attacked the crook of my neck. My hair being in a high ponytail, I was pretty much asking for it. He turned me around and he pressed me down until I was laying on the bed. He rushed to discard my towel as his lips found their way back to mine, I don't think a padlock could keep him from tearing it off.

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