Chapter 7

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The next few days had him fully healed. Whatever ointment they had on this planet worked like a charm. Even the aliens seemed surprised at how quickly Viktor was moving around again.

During those days, however, his fellow humans were often sent out to fight. Most times, they came back unharmed or at least a little roughed up. Working out regularly on Earth gave them the strength and stamina to hold their own against these odd creatures, something that Viktor was immensely jealous of.

Out of sheer boredom and the will to live through this hellhole, Viktor had bothered the adults relentlessly to show him how to punch and kick. Through some short reluctance–everyone had seen the pros of teaching the only kid how to throw a punch–Viktor was slowly taught the basics of fighting. He was no Olympic boxer, but at least he wouldn't be lost at sea out in the arena the next time.

And there would be a next time. Viktor often heard his name mingled in with the grunts when the ringmaster decided to pay a visit to the warehouse. Viktor couldn't help but notice that most of the other animals shrank back in fear when they saw him. From his limited interactions with the beefy alien, he knew the feeling.

There was a period of days when no one went out to fight. Most likely, the arena was closed for what was considered the weekend here. It was a nice reprieve if a bit boring. Way better than worrying if your friends were going to die, though.

Eventually, though, his short peaceful reprieve was finished and he found himself roused awake with a loud clang on his bars. He blinked blearily, finding the ringmaster in front of the door. He sat up quickly, glaring defensively.

"Kohgrash," he spoke, his head tilted to the alien behind him. For a second, Viktor thought the ringmaster was speaking to him before he remembered that these aliens thought they were nothing but dumb animals. The ringmaster conversed with the other, saying a bunch of words that Viktor didn't understand. He thought he heard Oorah in his litany, and his heart jumped in fear. Hopefully, they'd pit him against something smaller.

In the end, though, Viktor was herded out into the arena, met with deafening cheers and chants of his new name. Emboldened by their cheering, Viktor gave them a nervous toothy grin. Hopefully, this meant that the ringmaster wouldn't put him against something that would brutally and violently kill him. The crowd seemed to love him!

It seemed that he wasn't pitted against Oorah. Instead, it was one of the much smaller creatures. About as big as a golden retriever, this creature was bright red in color. Its head was the shape of a snake's and seemed very angry if that vicious hissing was anything to go by. It had six very slim legs, each set a bit lower to the ground than the last. Its tail was short and probably didn't pack too much of a punch.

When its cage opened, it rushed him. Viktor, even if he had never been in track, easily leaped over it. It ran close to the ground and wasn't very long. The teen lashed out his foot as he hopped over, sending the creature sprawling in the sand. The crowd roared its approval, despite Viktor feeling a bit bad about kicking the animal. It was different if he was fighting for his life.

The creature got up quickly, hopping around and hissing at him. Its mouth was dripping thick green sludge. He definitely did not want this thing to bite him. He'd probably sprout gills or something. 

But he could be the next Superman or even the Hulk. Superpowers via alien bite didn't sound too bad. 

He narrowly avoided the snake creature when it launched at him from the ground. He lashed out, smacking it away from him while in the air. The creature landed with a thump and a loud yelp. Thinking quickly, Viktor rushed over and stomped on its head hard enough to knock it out. The crowd cheered lowly, some seeming disappointed that the fight ended so quickly. 

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