
2.4K 50 14

awkma: water

awshk: smart, intelligent

'blh: let, release

byr lorka: go home

cho'k: endearment, usually meaning little one, love; usually used for pets or small children

drrsk: dirty

drsh: fruit

dreshi: dangerous

Ffssk': Mother

flakmmn: sorry, informal

flakmna: sorry, formal (I apologize)

gjjora: drawing, artwork

gnno': hurt(ing)

jah frh: calm down

jok: morning

'k: little, usually added onto the end of a name or object

ka to comf: is too ill, or is too sick

kas: it is

keti: look

kor: stay

kor'kn: stay with

kora: bad or naughty, a light scolding

korahn: mischievous

Kohgrash: Viktor's name in the Vokkrus language

koh frh: sit down

kraw: ouch!

krih: please

ktish: scared

lark: shake

lorka: home

mor ta lyr: here you go

'mrr: my/mine, usually added onto the end of someone's name (Kohgrash'mrr)

mr: me

mria: awake

mrio: sleep

ne corfa: be careful

ney: not

neyk: stop, no

norish: food

pora: come

prosh: good

rohsh: a friendly greeting, such as hello or hey

rohsh'a: a formal greeting, usually accompanied by a bow

ro: an exclamation to get someone's attention, translated literally to hey!

sh: so

Ta mph mr khash: you make me happy

tas: you're

tash: your

teyk: yes

thrr'n: hitting

tih: okay, alright

tokka: thank you, thanks

tor': uncle, usually followed by the person's name

vra: he, him

whf ta trsk: can you say/can you repeat, followed by a word. Used for teaching children how to speak

zhesh: goodbye

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