Chapter 91

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"What is this... McDonald's?" 

"Huh?" Viktor was not awake enough for this. 

"It's like a restaurant," his dad responded, still lying on the couch. Viktor had woken up in the middle of the pushed-together beds, slow and heavy. His head was aching from the lack of sleep. He wanted to curl up and go back to bed, but he knew they had things to do today. 

"You did not just call McDonald's a restaurant," Viktor mumbled into the pillow. 

"What'd you say?" Oskar shouted. Viktor moaned, annoyed. Why was everyone so loud this early in the morning? 

"I am looking at this pamphlet. It has a lot of interesting things on it!" Vok'Rul said. The long night didn't even put a damper on the alien's happy mood. Viktor supposed that visiting another planet would make him cheerful, too. He thought about A1-308 and felt a twinge of homesickness. Which he tried to push away. He was home, on Earth! A1-308 was just... a home away from home. Earth needed to be his real home. For now, at least. It would make things hurt less. 

Viktor sat up, then, unwilling to be left alone with his thoughts. He scrubbed his face with his hands, willing the grogginess to go away. "Did anyone come up here while I was sleeping?" 

"Yes, actually!" Vok'Rul said, setting down the pamphlet. He was sitting at the small table pressed up against the wall. He looked at Viktor with a small, fond smile. "I contacted The Salvation and let them know what had happened. Captain Ghhvresh has not let anyone aboard or exit, except for the humans who had stayed back. Regardless, I had them bring some of our things to this hotel."  The alien gestured to the bags on the floor, which Viktor had only just now noticed. 

"Nice of them," he commented. He unsteadily got to his feet, throwing his arms out for balance. His walker was a little bit away, but taking a few steps without it was getting easier and easier. 

After a shower - a real, honest-to-God shower, people! - Viktor got himself ready for the day. He had no idea what they were doing, and neither did Vok'Rul. The alien was simply excited to see the planet Viktor had been born and raised on. 

A sharp, short knock on the door had Viktor flinching in surprise. Oskar walked over to open the door - after he had told Viktor in a whisper that the hotel staff had come by while he slept and screamed in horror at the sight of Vok'Rul, they had decided it best be him who opened the doors from now on - and said, "How can I help you?" 

"Hello," came a muffled voice. "I am with the United States Department of International Security." 

"I am with the UK's Security Service," came another voice. 

"I am with..." was another voice, but Viktor couldn't quite make it out. He knew one thing, though. They were screwed. 

"There are so many little security guards out there, Kohgrash," Vok'Rul informed him, able to see over Oskar's head and peer out into the hallway. He seemed way too calm for someone who had, like, a million guards out to get him. 

"Not a good thing!" Viktor exclaimed, feeling nervous. They hadn't done anything wrong, and if the world were to suddenly protest Vok'Rul's presence, they would've done it as soon as they landed. 

"Is the alien inside?" one of them asked. "We are here to escort... him... to a secure location." 

"What does that mean?" Oskar demanded though Viktor could hear the faint hint of nervousness in his voice. "Obviously, he's not hurting anyone. Why would you put him in a hotel full of people if there were a chance for him to hurt someone?" 

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