Chapter 76

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Viktor's hopes for a quick and easy escape were dashed when he found out that Korrashkka's claw didn't, in fact, cut through the bars. If anything, it made the claw itself duller. It would be just his luck, though. Even if he were to get out of this cell, there was no way he could climb all the flights of stairs with his injuries.

After getting tossed into his cage, the aliens slowly left the room. Nahfka and Turrkn barely glanced in his direction before storming out, muttering to themselves. The vets had finished whatever they were doing to the other humans. Viktor didn't dare move until they had all vanished, dimming the lights to near darkness. Zach didn't speak to him, and Viktor didn't say anything, either.

Even after they left, Viktor remained still for a long time. Everything hurt. 

The cattle prod, or whatever it had been, burned a hole through his sweater. His skin was unblemished but sore to the touch. He couldn't see, and twisting his arm around to feel it pulled at his broken ribs, but he knew that there was bruising. There were bruises probably everywhere. 

Frankly, he was pissed about his shirt. Now he had a great, big hole in the back. The straw scratched him through it. His clothing, along with his bracelet, were the only things he had here, so he'd appreciate it if they stayed in one piece, thank you.

Viktor couldn't help but compare his situation to the arena. At least there, he knew what to expect. 

He held onto the finger just in case, even if it made him sick. He didn't want it to get lost or misplaced. It started to stink, something foul and rotting. Viktor had no idea how long it took for stuff to start decaying, but it seemed pretty quick on this planet. That was okay, though. It was still solid enough to hold - it just stank. He wouldn't even be here long enough for it to start falling apart, either. Korrashkka's claw, black and sharp, could be used for something in the future. Like a weapon or a tool. 

Like a meal. 

He didn't want to think about how long he'd be forced to stay in this cage, but he knew it had been hours already. Viktor hasn't seen any sign of food or water since he got here. It was unlikely that thirst would kill him, though. It was probably going to be the injuries that would get him first.

He was scared. Viktor could admit that to himself. He didn't know how long he had been down here. Going in and out of consciousness was not the best way to keep track of time. He had no clue what these aliens wanted with him. Ransom made sense, but after Korrashkka, Nhafka seemed intent on using him for something else. But for what? 

The unknown really terrified him. 

The door to the room groaned as it opened and interrupted his brooding. Somewhat fearfully, Viktor pressed himself against the wall as much as he could without making much noise. The lights flickered on with a buzz, making him blink against the harsh glare. A rattling noise filled the air as whoever entered sighed and started making their way to the end of the room, dragging something that scraped against the ground behind them. 

The room was deathly silent except for a few people's labored breathing. Viktor didn't dare lean forward to sate his curiosity about the number of people trapped here, wary of catching any unwanted attention. The last thing he needed was to get shocked again. 

The alien finished whatever they had set out to do. After a moment of silence, the rattling and scraping noise started up again. Cages rattled as they were unlocked and locked again. The alien made their way down the room, opening and closing cages. 

Must be this Fho the pair had talked about, Viktor figured, reaching up to tug at the collar around his neck. His skin underneath was sore and started to itch. His stomach growled with need. 

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