Chapter 27

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Viktor wasn't sure what happens to politicians who were involved in an attempted assassination attempt back on Earth, but surely, this was a little over the top. 

After the attack at the school, to which Viktor was certain had been merely written off as a stray, rabid animal that had gotten too close and targeted the most threatening creature in the vicinity, Vok'Rul and he had been whisked back to the mansion posthaste. They hadn't left the place since. 

Or rather, they hadn't been allowed to leave.

There were guards posted at the entrance to Vok'Rul's personal wing. There were guards patrolling the mansion. Viktor could see multiple stationed about outside of the office window, lining the grounds and building. He had seen a guard inside the kitchen, briefly, but he had retreated back to the closet as soon as Vok'Rul started shouting. He hadn't seen any guards inside their home since. The alien was about as big of a fan about this situation as Viktor was. 

He prowled along the living room in distaste, muttering and tapping away on his phone incessantly. It hadn't been too terrible the first day; Viktor had been more than happy to sleep off the slowly receding pain in his arm and the bruises littering his skin after Vok'Rul had given him more medicine. Vok'Rul had sat in the office with him almost all day, doing whatever he did on his alien computer. Eventually, though, his weariness had worn off, and he was able to stay awake for most of the day. 

There was little to do in the wing, outside of messing around with Vok'Rul. The alien seemed less reserved in touching and petting him, much to Viktor's discomfort. He ignored the signs that Viktor gave to tell him to back off, pushing his limits and petting him whenever he pleased instead. Vok'Rul must have figured that throwing himself in between him and a snarling beast meant that Viktor wouldn't snap too harshly at him. It irritated Viktor to no end, but there was little he could do except suffer through it. Smacking his hand away only stopped him for a little bit. So, in a fit of petty revenge, Viktor decided to annoy the ever-living shit out of the tall alien. It wasn't like there was anything else to do, anyway. 

Unfortunately for Vok'Rul, the alien had gotten him plenty of odd toys. Fortunately for Viktor, these toys were semi-sharp and pointy. He enjoyed putting them wherever the alien would step, especially after Vok'Rul had unexpectedly picked him up from behind and carried him over to the couch. He had nearly bitten the alien. 

Putting toys and knickknacks where the alien walked had lost its shine after a while, especially when Vok'Rul got wise and deftly avoided them, which had only taken about a day. He also found it amusing, chuckling in delight whenever he would find them planted on the floor. Short of chucking his food at the alien (which he was rather loathe to do, considering his time during the arena), there was hardly anything else to entertain himself with. 

Sneaking out of the wing to explore the mansion had proved useless. One of the guards posted outside had seen him immediately, despite Viktor waiting until they switched posts to get out. The guard had grumpily called Vok'Rul while shuffling across the floor to block Viktor's path like some sort of demented tango. Viktor, furious that his attempts at exploration were swiftly coming to an end, had been incredibly close to attacking the guard if only to surprise him and make his escape. Vok'Rul had shown up shortly after, eyes wide and worried, which had made Viktor feel guilty. He had retreated back into the wing with little encouragement, listening idly to the sympathetic words that left Vok'Rul's mouth as he followed after. 

It had been five days since the assassination attempt, enough time to make both Vok'Rul and Viktor stir crazy. Viktor was sprawled on the massive couch, draped over the arm. Vok'Rul was sat on the other end, speaking up now and then while he watched the TV on the wall. Viktor stared at the room, upside down. 

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