Chapter 7

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"Oh My God! What do we do?" asked Jane in a worried voice. Just then they saw a man coming towards them. He was dressed in an elfish way and he was also wearing a hat. He came near them.

"Who are you?" asked the man in a squeaky voice.

"Ummm... I'm Jane she's Gaze and that's Lizzy," said Jane pointing to Gaze and Lizzy.

"You are unauthorized to be here. This is the Summerlic Summerlands. You should go back to where you came from," said the man.

"Ummm... Yeah that's the problem we can't go where we came from because we came from my house," said Gaze.

"Hmmm... You all are lucky that you didn't fall to the place of Cackle the wizard because you are our only hope now," said the man.

"Uhhhh... What??" asked Jane.

"You all must be our mighty heroes. Miss know-it-all must've contacted you. She is the true leader of Summerlic Summerlands. But Cackle the wizard defeated her and he has taken over. If you must go home you must finish the obstacle. This is a map of the place where you are now. If you want to go home you must go to the palace as you can see there, and find the wizard "cackle" and defeat him. So farewell my dear warriors. Hope you save Summerlic Summerlands." Said the man and he disappeared.

"So I think we should go to the castle as soon as we can if we want to go home," suggested Lizzy.

Both of her friends agreed. So they went through the soft green grass. And at last they finished it. And then they came to a dark forest.

"You know when I looked before entering the forest, the day was brighter," said Jane in a scared way.

"Yep, said Gaze.

"I think we should hold hands. So wherever we went it would be us three. What ever happens DO NOT let go of our hands," told Lizzy.

"Ok then here goes nothing, said Jane.

The forest was dark and spooky all they saw were trees as black as the night sky and ghastly sounds. They held hand so tight that their hands got the color red. But they still went on gripping. Lizzy tried to make some chat while going on, but Jane was the only one answering. Gaze was not looking at them and from the reaction she was really fuming up.

"Wow, I fell really tired. And I'm so very much hungry. I wish we could take a break," said Jane.

"If we could take a break we could've taken it somewhere else. Not in a dark forest!" said Gaze angrily.

"Hey Hey why so gloomy?" asked Jane.

"Why so gloomy? Why so gloomy? If we hadn't been in a different world in a dark forest I wouldn't have been gloomy. It's YOU who have got us in to this mess! It's your entire fault! We told you not to go there but you did!!" exclaimed Gaze angrily.

"Yeah well you should learn not to blame people for everything they do. Not everyone is perfect!" said Jane slowly steaming up.

"You guys stop FIGHTING!!! Can't you understand! If we are in this, we are in this together and I'm sure we can make it out of here! And there is no more talk about this!!" yelled Lizzy louder than any of them.

Nobody talked until at last they could see the shining sunlight above their heads. Both Jane and Gaze who had been bawling, forgot about their fight and started smiling.

"See I told you guys we could make it out!" said Lizzy with a "told you so" face. Both Jane and Gaze were ashamed.

"Look I'm so sorry Jane, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that, and you are a great friend," apologized Gaze.

"Me too," said Jane.

"I think we should probably head off," suggested Jane.

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