Chapter 14

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When the girls' blinked they were at home safe and sound.

"Wow, that was amazing!" said Jane.

"Hey we've been there only for like two minutes! I checked my watch it was 7.05 and now it's 7.07! I think the time moves faster there," said Gaze.

"Ok, you know what I need after all that?" asked Jane.

"What?" asked Lizzy.

"Some real sleep," said Jane and she slumped to the sofa and closed her eyes.

Both Gaze and Lizzy slumped to the sofa too. And the three of them had a long night's sleep.

Thank you all of you people to reading my story! i hope you all liked it. i know, it's kinda babyish, but like i'm still a kid, and well, we'll see what happens.. k? i'll try to post more interesting stories in the future! so anyway wish you all the best!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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