Chapter 11

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Then they saw the castle. It was huge. There was a map near the entrance of the castle. It showed a very beautiful place full of sunlight and color. But now when they looked at the castle it was damp, dark and a gloomy place. It was even horrible to tell it was a castle.

"Yuck!" said Jane putting her tongue out.

"I thought castles' were pretty," said Lizzy.

"Come on, let's try and get inside," said Gaze.

Finding a place to sneak inside the castle was not hard. When they went around the castle they spotted a huge hole in the wall that was protecting the castle.

"Ok... Well that was easy," said Jane.

"Yeah, come on let's crawl in to the castle. I think this hole is big enough for us to crawl under it," said Lizzy.

They easily crawled under the hole in to the castle. Jane went first and then Gaze and then Lizzy.

When Jane stepped out, she stepped in a very gooey icky place. It was like slime.

"Ewwww... what is this stuff?" said Jane lifting her food up and down.

"I think these are like swamp or something like that," said Gaze who came next.

"Come we can tip-toe out of here," said Lizzy.

They went inside and then they saw that all the beautiful castle gardens were covered in mud and they were dirty.

"Wow! I can't imagine how this castle could be more beautiful if this all was gone," said Gaze.

"Come on. Let's go," said Lizzy.

And so they went. And then they came to the door step of the castle. And then Jane slowly opened the door. No one was there. They crept inside and they came near the stairs and still no one was to be seen. And then they were going to go to the throne room when they saw two shadows.

"Oh no! Come on! Hide here," said Lizzy and they hid behind the wall.

Then they saw for whom the shadows belonged to. They belonged to two goblins and they were talking about the plans that the wizard Cackle was going to do.

"Hey do you know, Cackle told me that after he spreads his power all through storylandia (in case you readers don't know the girls are in a place called storylandia) and then he will be unstoppable and he is making a potion right now and it will be finished at 12.00 in midnight," said the goblin and the girls' immediately knew his name because there was a name tag in his shirt and it was called "Jiz" and the other was called "Fiz". And then both the goblins laughed out loudly.

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