Missing You | texting

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Here, have one of my texting story I've originally written for my YouTube :D

Jay: Hey Nya!

Jay: I know you'll read my messages later, but I just want you to know that I love you with everything I am, and I hope you could've made it home...

Jay: You're my everything, and I would call you super cute nicknames if you wouldn't come for my soul :(

Jay: I mean, I'd like that, but that's not my point

Jay: It's been only two days, but it feels like it's been forever since the last time I saw you

Jay: I can still remember your last words before you went and never came back

Jay: "Don't worry, Jay, it will only be a few hours. You're a grown man, you can take care of yourself."

Jay: But you were wrong

Jay: Wrong about everything you told me

Jay: You never came back to me

Jay: And I will never be able to take care of myself

Jay: I need you. I always have, I always will, but you never came back

Jay: It hurts a lot...

Jay: All the tears I shed for you, and your still gone

Jay: *you're

Jay: I don't really know whether I should be sad or angry

Jay: But I'll never be able to be angry with you, so I guess I'll be sad

Jay: Loving someone this hard is a curse, really

Jay: But to me, this curse is the most beautiful thing that's ever happened to me

Jay: And you are even more beautiful

Jay: I still remember the times I see you whenever I open my phone to see your picture on my background

Jay: The first time I saw you on that dragon... we were both so young, but I already knew it was love

Jay: Sometimes I can still hear your voice around the monastery

Jay: I just-

Jay: I wonder why you couldn't have stayed any longer with me

Jay: You know, it's been really quiet ever since you left, and I don't really know what to do

Jay: I'm not in the mood to train since I've lost my sparring partner

Jay: I'm not in the mood for eating unless I can feel your hand in mine under the dinner table

Jay: I'm not in the mood for sleeping since all I can do is dream about you, which is usually a great thing, but it hurts to know I'm going to wake up on my own

Jay: I really miss you

Jay: And I love you

Jay: Dunno if I told you this yet

Jay: I don't care how clingy this sounds, but I need to feel you in my arms

Jay: And cuddle with you

Jay: And give you kisses when you least expect it

Jay: And pretend to bite your pinky off although we both know I would never do it in real life

Jay: I just wish our time together could've lasted longer

Jay: Shoot, I just said the w word

Jay: ...

Jay: ...


Jay: Never mind, you'll not read my messages anyway :,(

Jay: I guess I'll try again later. Goodbye, and I love you <3

*twenty minutes later*

Nya: Jay...

Nya: Why are you talking as if I died or something?

Nya: And what is up with all the "you won't read my messages anyway"?

Nya: You do know my parents have installed wifi in the blacksmith's shop, right?


Jay: Omg hi!!!

Nya: Jay

Jay: Nya

Nya: Sparky

Jay: Princess

Nya: No.

Jay: Okay

Nya: Stop texting me like I'm dead or something

Jay: But you had told me you only wanted to visit your parents for a few hours

Jay: It's been two days!!

Nya: Mom and Dad wanted their children to spend some more time with them, I guess

Jay: Yes, I have to admit that it's quite nice without all of Kai's interruptions, but I need youuu

Nya: You know I'll come back tomorrow

Jay: I know

Jay: But I need you now

Jay: >:(

Jay: What are you doing now, anyways?

Nya: Dad showed Kai and me how to forge one of his hardest swords, but I took a break because SOMEONE decided to spam me unnecessarily

Jay: Wonder who that was :D

Nya: I gotta go now, I'll call you when I'm done, okay?

Jay: I hope so, girl

Jay: I need my daily dose of vitamin Nya

Nya: ...


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