Boyfriend To-Go | AU

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As he wiped his soaked hands on his brown apron, he hated the fact that his clumsiness was not leaving him alone, even in his working place. It was also very frustrating when there was a line of customers waiting for their order to be taken when he was busy wallowing in his misery.

But now was not the time to drown in his embarrassed thoughts. He needed to clean up the mess he had made on the floor in front of him.

"Just one second!" he yelled loudly in the sweetest voice he could muster. All he could do was hope that his customers were patient enough to forgive him for their delay.

The young adult quickly grabbed a mop from the supply closet and hastily began to wipe the spilled coffee from the floor. He nearly cussed out loud when he stepped into the brown puddle with his newly bought shoes, and instead decided to ignore that for now. He could hate himself for that later.

When he was done, he rushed back to the supply closet and threw the dirty mop inside before running back to the counter.

He made eye contact with an elderly woman who was wearing a gentle smile on her face.

"Good morning, ma'am. What would you like to order?" he asked politely, his voice a little raspy due to the fast cleaning session he just had.

"Are you alright, young man? Your voice sounds a little in need for some water," the woman asked him.

Nodding at her, he gave her a warm smile. Having sweet and understanding customers like her was a rarer occurrence nowadays. "I'm fine, thank you. Now, is there anything you'd like?"

She nodded. "A medium-sized cappuccino with three sugar cubes and two pieces of strawberry-cheesecake, please."

After typing the price of the order into the cash register, he turned to the woman who was already holding her wallet in her hand, ready to pay for her order.

"That would be $5,47. Would you like to pay with cash or a credit card?"

"Cash," she answered before looking into her purse. Then she pulled out a tenner and put it into his hand.

After giving her the change, he quickly put her order together and gave her the cake and coffee after only three minutes.

Many hours then passed, with him serving countless amounts of people with a variety of orders.

He was pretty exhausted, but he knew he had to wait only ten more minutes until his shift ended. His coworker, who was also his best friend, had called in sick for the day which ended up with him being the only person serving everyone and putting everyone's orders together in the small coffee shop in the outskirts of Ninjago City.

That place was usually packed with customers, making him question why his boss was not willing to employ any other people.

Surely two employees weren't enough, even if the café was small.

As he watched the clock on the other side of the room, he smiled when he realized he only had a handful of minutes left.

And no one else was in the café which made everything even better for him. He lazily walked over to the back to get his bag and jacket before walking back to the front.

Once he pulled out the key (which the owner of the café had given him and his coworker so that they could lock and unlock the place), he stepped out of the cozy building and turned around to lock the door.

Just before he inserted the key into the lock, he realized he was still wearing his apron, so he walked back inside and to the back where he discarded his apron.

When he walked back to the front, the ringing of the bell disturbed his entire peace, silence and enthusiasm.

He hated people who thought it was okay to come after closing hours, especially when they were unwilling to lea-

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