Holding On | post-Seabound poem

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The eyes I once woke up to see,
The depth they held were close to free.
Their color I would always believe
To be like ones you couldn't retrieve.

For all I knew, she was there,
Always next to me, no matter where
We would go side by side,
My love for her I could not hide.

Her hands, so warm and always so soft,
I held on to because I have loved
How she could make my pain go away.
In a matter of seconds, everything was at bay.

Her heart that I knew how to hold,
In my hands, never to be sold.
I cherished her with all my being,
Yet she was never close to seeing.

But now, I do not even know,
My love for her knows only to grow.
I watch as the waves around me flow,
And crash to the shore where they lay low.

I ask myself, "Will she return?"
All I have are pictures to burn.
Why couldn't it just have been me?
Why did she have to disagree?

Her voice, I feel like I can hear,
Every second of day it knows to appear.
Wherever I turn, it's by my side,
I look out the window, I see there is a tide.

Is it true, will she come back?
It's been so long, I can't keep track.
With love, my heart, my soul I vow
That I'll be holding on for now.

~ Jay Walker

My first time writing an English poem, I liked it. I've joined literature class this year, so you should expect something like this more often in the future. Or not, I literally have no schedule. Peace out!

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