Chapter One

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RING RING RING. My alarm gives a rude awakening as my eyes slowly flutter open, taking several blinks as my eyes protest against the bright sun seeping into my room through the blinds. I get out of bed sluggishly before changing into a grey sweater and tan skirt. I gaze at my appearance in the mirror at the strawberry blonde haired, wide eyed girl staring back at me. "I'm never going to get a boyfriend," I groan as I grab my bag and head downstairs. Of course there's Jackson, who is currently waiting on my porch step for me, but he's a platonic friend, nothing more.

"I'm determined to become first line this year," Jackson says with enthusiasm as we walk towards school. "No more sitting on the sidelines for me, no way."

"Well, it is good to have goals Jackson, as unrealistic as they may be," I comment with a sarcastic smirk. Jackson fake laugh and playfully pushes me to the side. I grin as I push him back harder in an attempt to show that despite my short stature I could take him on. The plan to prove my strength doesn't work though, as pushing up against his muscular arm does little to falter Jackson's step.

As we make it into the grounds of Beacon Hills High School I look around at all the different groups spread across the campus. Everyone is split up as though from some typical cliché high school movie. There are those deemed to be nerds because of their academia, freaks that prefer to get stoned under the bleachers than attend class, and the 'popular' girls who wear way too much makeup and dress as though they have just walked off a fashion runway. Then there is Jackson and I, we don't really fit into any of these groups, all we have is each other.

As I hear the first bell for class ring I begin to walk up to the entrance of the school, but stop in my tracks as I see a group standing towards the door. I immediately recognize Stiles Stilinski, even from the back of his head. I've spent many a lesson admiring the back of his head whilst sitting behind him in chemistry. That makes me sound like a stalker, but I've had a crush on this boy since the third grade. Not that he'd ever notice me, Stiles was captain of the lacrosse team and Mr. Popular. "Are you coming?" Jackson asks, snapping me back into focus as his eyes follow mine to determine what I was so captivated by.

"You go, I'll catch up." Jackson nods and heads off into the building.

Okay Lydia, you can do this, I think to myself. All I have to do is walk over to him and say hi, its not a big deal. So then why do I feel as though a large nest of butterflies have erupted inside my stomach? I notice he's only with his best friend Scott McCall, as everyone else has already gone to class. I have only talked to Scott a few times, but he seems nice. I take a sharp breathe in, before beginning to walk with determination towards Stiles.

"Hey Stiles," I say in a quiet voice a few feet away from him, grinning like an idiot. He begins to turn towards me in response. This is it, I think. Before I can continue, Malia Tate, the queen bee of Beacon Hills and girlfriend of the boy I'm ever so desperately in love with, walks straight up to him and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him close and kissing him hard. "You look like you're going to ignore me," I whisper as I look down and walk quickly past the couple, pretending as though nothing has happened and trying desperately to stop my cheeks from growing red hot with embarrassment.

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