Chapter Eight

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I walked home that afternoon with a certain spring in my step and ridiculous smirk spread across my gleeful face. Realizing you're in love is the most bizarre yet amazing feeling, something I couldn't possibly describe other than to say it felt as though gravity was no longer pulling me down, I felt as if I could float into space at any moment and I wouldn't even mind. I stopped in my tracks though as I heard a noise coming from behind me. It was a strange sensation, as if there was a pair of eyes staring into the back of my head, ready to pounce on me at any moment. I turned slowly, as if I belonged in some cheesy horror movie, to find no one visible. I breathe a quiet sigh of relief as I realize I just must still be a little paranoid from the events that had occurred. As I turn to head back down the path, I'm stopped in my tracks inches from someone.

I look up at the tall, lean body towering over me, and after a moment recognizes the face. It is Isaac. I take a step back slightly as a reflex, my ankle twisting on a crack in the pavement, causing me to stumble backwards. Isaac instinctively wraps his arms around my waist, steadying my balance. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you Lydia," he says quietly, quickly removing his hands from my body.

"It's alright," I stutter, not being able to look him in the eye. When I do finally look up I finally get a proper glance at the appearance of Isaac Lahey. He has beautiful blue eyes, the color of a crystal clear ocean, a chiseled jaw line and intense stare. I had to admit to myself that he was attractive, even with the thick cotton bandage wrapped around his head. I look down again, not wanting to appear as though I'm staring, and fiddle with the strap on my bag nervously. "I should go."

"Wait," he quickly replies, grabbing my arm gently. "May I walk with you?" Isaac asks after a moment.

I can't help but give a confused look. "Why would you want to walk with me?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, because, you know," I didn't want to utter the words aloud.

"My Father's dead and you believe it's your fault." Isaac takes a slight step back, resting his hands into his jeans pockets and rocking back and forth on his heels nervously. "It's not your fault you know, if you hadn't of stopped him he would have killed us all. You're not a villain Lydia, you're the hero."

I smile slightly, not because I'm happy, but simply to show gratitude towards the fact that Isaac didn't entirely hate me. I gesture along the path as he smiles in return and we begin to walk towards my house.


I enter school the next day feeling like a brand new person, for once I was truly happy, and despite the slightly awkward conversation with Isaac yesterday, I was determined not to let anything bring me down. Today was only half a day of classes, as the big lacrosse game between Beacon Hills and Westfield High was going to be on after the first period. Art class feels as though it lasts forever, and I feel myself growing more anxious by the second as I eagerly watch the clock ticking. I just want to see Stiles, it doesn't matter if it is only for five minutes, I just want to be around him, to see his warm smile and hear his kind voice. Finally the bell rings, and I feel myself spring out of my chair and rush to the lacrosse field. I take a seat next to Allison, who is prepared for the cool weather in a dark blue beanie and matching scarf. I shiver and hug my arms slightly as I sit down next to her, regretting not bringing a cardigan to school. We chat casually for a few minutes, shifting our eyes from each other's to the large grass field where the coach is setting up. After a little while, I cannot wait any longer, I'm bursting at the seams to tell Allison about Stiles and my kiss.

Allison looks at me with a mixture of shock and happiness, clapping her hands together as she asks for all the details. I happily tell her, feeling myself giggle too as excitement prevails. As Stiles walks onto the field, only identifiable by the number 24 stamped across his jersey, as he is currently wearing a helmet, Allison gives me a nudge. "Go talk to him," she half whispers, smiling at me encouragingly.

"Do you think I should?" I ask, biting my lip, suddenly nervous.

"He was the one who kissed you, which means he's totally interested," Allison says matter-of-factly. "Go!" She gives me another nudge. I decide to listen to Allison, for she is dating Scott McCall, another hottie on the lacrosse team. I make my way down the steps, keeping an eye on Stiles so I don't make a huge fool out of myself by walking over to another player.

Stiles removes his helmet, smiling and laughing as it suddenly becomes clear to me that he is talking to someone else on the field. I instinctively look around for Scott, but instead Malia walks over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. I expect Stiles to repel immediately, but he doesn't. Stiles instead chooses to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer, kissing her in return whilst simultaneously shattering my heart into a thousand pieces. I walk onto the field and turn towards the school building, feeling the tears well in my eyes. I didn't want him to see me cry, I wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of making me feel such strong emotions of love and hate towards him. I begin to walk down the dark hallway, which is deserted and has had its lights turned off. Everyone is at the lacrosse game, so right now this school feels more like an abandoned asylum. I don't know where I'm headed, I just want to keep walking, not stop until my tears have ceased flowing from eyes. That doesn't look like it's going to happen though as Isaac's distinctive voice calls out to me.

"Lydia, wait up!" I don't turn around, not wanting him to see my cry, although I can hear him running to catch up to me. "What's wrong?" He asks, looking intensely at me.

"Nothing." I sound like such a sop, I think, cringing at the choked up word that had escaped my trembling lips.

"This is not nothing, I saw you looking at Stilinski, did something happen between you two?" Isaac stares at me with utter concern, as if I'm some fragile investment he needs to protect at all costs.

"I just thought he liked me, my mistake," I wipe tears from my eyes, determined not to feel so upset over Stiles.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"Do you want to get wasted?"

"Excuse me?" I look up at Isaac for the first time, and he forms a small smile as he notices he's caught my attention. Isaac reaches into his backpack and pulls out a half empty clear bottle, a large white label stuck to the front that reads 'Vodka' in large letters.

"You know, in my experience, there isn't any problem that can't be solved by getting really, really drunk." He waves the bottle at me as the liquid contained inside makes a sloshing sound. I'm not one to drink, for a starter I am never given the opportunity to as I'm not exactly the type to get invited to huge parties. But there was something suddenly so tantalizing about drinking away your problems, numbing your soul with a poisonous substance until you couldn't feel pain any more. I take a sharp breath in, wiping my eyes one more time before mustering up all the strength I can manage to put on a smile. "Sure, I'd love to."

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