Chapter Twenty

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I rock back and forth on my feet slightly as I wait in the line up of classmates in the gym, which is now full of proud parents watching their children grow up. Some hold back tears, whilst others cheer for their children as they are handed their graduation certificates. I readjust my graduation cap as my fingers tap nervously on my thigh. I look around me, as we were in alphabetical order I didn't get to stand with any of my friends. I notice Stiles behind me, who makes eye contact and gives me a reassuring thumbs up and warm smile.

"Lydia Martin," I hear my name called as I make my way onto stage, blushing slightly as I hear Stiles yell "go Lydia!" I give a quick smile on stage whilst holding my certificate so my mum can take a photo, before returning to my seat, smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't believe that I was really graduating. I would soon walk out these doors and into my future.

As the ceremony finishes and the parents depart the assembly and head outside for brunch, I sit on the lacrosse field stairs, looking over to see Stiles speaking with Malia. He soon walks over towards me, sitting down on the bench beside me. "How did it go?" I ask, nodding towards Malia.
"It was alright, obviously awkward," he replies, intertwining his fingers in mine. "She's upset now, but I know she'll be okay. She's strong like that. And what about you?" His eyes shift up to meet mine, his chocolate brown eyes glinting in the sunlight.
"What about me?" I ask, leaning into Stiles and resting my head on his shoulder.
"How are you feeling, about graduating and everything?"
"I'm a little sad, it's the end of an era. Of sitting here and watching lacrosse games, having school dances in the gym, I feel like a part of my life is over. But I still have my friends, and I have you." I smile at Stiles, and for the first time thinking about my future it's genuine.
"You'll always have me." Stiles returns the smile and wraps his arm around me, kissing the top of my head lightly.

Jackson walks over to Stiles and I, "you're parents want a photograph of the cutest couple," he smirks. I roll my eyes and laugh. "Don't worry, we only have to smile and act like the model citizens who will lead tomorrow success for a few hours, and then" Jackson pulls a bottle of vodka from his bag, "we can get massively drunk."
"Sounds good to me," Stiles says.
"We'll be over in a second," I add as Jackson nods and heads back over to the brunch.

I stand up and offer my hands out to Stiles, which he takes as I help him up. As I lead him down to the field I turn to face Stiles and wrap my arm around the back of his neck, pulling him in for a sudden kiss.
"What was that for?" He asks as I break away from the kiss.
I put my arms around his waist, "that time, you held your breath."

Author's Note
This story has come to an end! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it! Thank you so much for every like and comment I've received, as well as the amazing amount of reads, it means so much. I shall be posting some new stories soon so please follow to get updated!


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