Chapter Two

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I head straight for the bathroom, despite everybody else already being in class. I fling the bathroom door open with my shoulder and lean over one of the chipped sinks. I breathe in and out sharply, each intake piecing my lungs like a sharp knife being twisted into my torso. With a shaking hand I struggle to turn the tap on and use my hands as a cup to splash water on my face.

My breathing begins to return to a somewhat normal pace as I feel every drop of cool water dribble down my cheeks and onto my neck. "Come on Lydia, don't have a panic attack over something this silly," I whisper to myself, drying my face on a paper towel. I pace up and down a couple of times before the pain in my lungs ceases and I push the door to the bathroom open, worried about how late for class I will be.

As I exit the bathroom I almost collide into another person. "Sorry," I say as I begin to feel the heat rushing to my cheeks again.
"No problem," I hear an unfamiliar voice reply. I look up to see a tall girl with dark curled hair and a friendly smile. "I'm Allison," she balances her books in one hand as she extends the other to me politely. I smile before shaking her hand.
"Is this your first day?" I ask, as I look up and down the empty halls.
"Yeah," she smiles again as she pushes a piece of hair behind her ear. "Would you mind helping me find my class, I'm completely lost."
"Sure," I nod before reading her schedule and directing her towards the history classroom.
"I'll see you later then." She gives a little wave and heads into the room before I have time to respond.

I rush to my classroom, which is at the other end of the building, a smile remaining on my face as I walk. I've never really had a friend who was a girl before, it would be nice to have someone to talk to about girly stuff, all Jackson ever wants to discuss is Lacrosse and his Porche.

I apologise to my teacher on the way into the classroom and take my usual seat at the back of the chemistry class, alone of course, whilst avoiding looking towards Stiles. I was still mortified by the events that had occurred earlier. The teacher gives a few instructions before asking us to get into pairs. I give a small smile to Danny, who is usually my partner. We aren't really friends, but he is friends with Jackson, and considering we both don't have any friends in chemistry class, we tend to stick together. Just as I begin to step out of my seat Stiles walks over to me, stopping in front of me.

"Hey," he says casually as if we are good mates.
"Umm, hi," I stutter, looking around as if I expect him to be talking to someone else. He chuckles softly as he notices this.
"Sorry about before, I tried to reply but..." he rocks back and forth on his feet gently.
"No, it's alright. I understand."
"Malia, she's just," Stiles scrunches his face up slightly as if he doesn't know the correct terminology to use.
"Overbearing, clingy?" I ask, before he looks at me, confused. "Or a completely different word that could make you forget I just said that about your girlfriend." He laughs again and runs a hand through his hair.

"Well how about I make up for it now, do you have a lab partner?"
I'm taken aback by this question, I don't want to seem too keen on the idea. "I usually work with Danny," I say, trying to sound confident and as though I'm not completely alone in the class.Stiles looks over towards Danny, who is on the opposite side of the classroom and flirting with another student in an obvious manner.
"I hate to break it to you, but I think you may be stuck with me." I smile as Stiles does in return and move over so that he can sit down next to me.

As we conduct our experiment Stiles does most of the talking, with me nodding and replying every so often. It doesn't feel awkward though, Stiles has a way of making it feel as though you could tell him anything and he would just listen, not judge or interrupt, but simply digest every single word you say. "Remember that time when we were eight and I accidentally stepped on your sandcastle?" Stiles asks, smiling. "You cried for three hours straight,"he laughs.
"I was trying to forget," I reply, feeling my self laugh in return.

The bell rings as we finish packing up, and Stiles grabs his books. "You make a good chemistry partner," he says as everyone begins to file out of the classroom.
"Thanks," I look down and brush a piece of hair away from my face.
"Stiles," we both look over to see Malia standing in the doorway, her hands folded tightly across her chest and an irritated look on spread across her face. "Let's go." Stiles nods towards Malia before giving me an apologetic look. "I'll see you at lunch."

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