|1.2| HIM

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'Why me ?' He muttered under his breath.

He was frustrated. He took every gaffa sportingly but now after a certain no. of times it had frustrated him. all anger and frustration was taken out on teja .He was strong enough to counter salman sir but why question him on his relation ? why question him as a boyfriend ?He did not know what did they expect from him ? shouting ? He did , got called a toxic boyfriend ; loved and made a bond with teja , got called nikamma in ishq ; played his game , got called an unsupportive boyfriend .

What was he supposed to do then if everything he did was being questioned ? He was already stuck between umar and teja . it had took a lot of time to bring a balance between them . but now when the differences between umar and teja were increasing , it was getting difficult and he did not know what to do . he had always believed in moving forward along with his people and thats what he had being this whole season . He may play with words , people may call him diplomatic but he did not care . As long as it did not hamper his relations he did not care. he had always believed in maintaing relations , keeping his people together and sorting their diffreneces . This was the reason he had gained two purest bonds.

He was earlier angry at teja that she had poured all her anger and frustration on him . later he had realised she did the same thing he did with her . another thing he knew they did this because they both had given each other the rights to do that . Pour everything may it be love or anger on each other only because nobody other then them can affect each other this much .

Yet he did not know how to make her understand that he was not against her . According to him she had created this narrative in her mind that everybody is against her including him . Even though he knew it was not her fault yet he was being blamed because of the narrative she set and he wanted her to stop that . he may not be as blunt and straightforward as her but he has always tried to sort her relations behind her back . COULDN'T SHE SEE THAT ? his intention has always been to keep people in favour of them so that they could win the task .Did she not see even if he was talking to shamita , rash or any other housemate , it has always been her who had his attention ?

Sure , they had different views of seeing things. They both knew what rashmi was doing , but he did not want to call it out openly just because of umar . he wanted to maintain his relation with umar beacause he knew if he goes against rahsmi , umar wouldn't take time to explode and it would create a rift between them . that is why he was always afraid to confront umar. He knew he would lose him Because that is how umar was . This was the difference between his relation with umar and teja . With teja he knew no matter how much they fight , with the type of person teja is , they would never drift apart infact they would come more closer . But umar was a different person and he had to be always on the edge with him .Now that umar was gone , he would make sure to solve all the misunderstanding there have been between them . He had become stressfree as he wouldn't have to juggle between both of them now .


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