☀️Chapter 2: Sundrop☀️

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"Hello Y/N~"
"Who's There?"
"Don't be afraid it's me Sunny~"



You woke up from the sound of your alarm. You turned it off and went to take a shower,eat breakfast and wear appropriate clothes and head to work tho you wonder who was that guy from your dream you didn't mind it and went to the Pizza Plex.

"Woah this place is big"
"Yup it is"

you turn around and you saw a guy with a security uniform.

"I'm Luis nice to meet you"
"I'm y/n"
"Y/N that's a nice name. Anyways I'm here to guide and introduce you to the Pizza Plex this morning now follow me"

You followed Luis as he showed you around and finally introduce you to your job. You were at the daycare and there was a slide.

"Oh one thing you will be working with 2 other people so get to know them well, And mostly have fun"

You nodded and went down to the slide it's been awhile since you done this it makes you feel like a kid again. As you slide down you were in a ball pit and a person from the balcony said a loud "HO HO HO" and dive right into the ball pit. You moved around Abit and a Person carried you.

"Y-yes um can you please put me down hehe"
"Oh right my bad :)"

They went out of the ball pit still carrying you and then placed you down. The person looked like a sun character from a cartoon

"Thx, I'm Y/N and you are?"
"Oh! Right introductions I'm Sundrop but you can call me sun,sunny or whatever you like and
Luis told me you'll be assigned at the desk over there, you will know what to do"
"Okay Sundrop"

You went over to the desk and there was a schedule (Geez there's a lot here that's why they needed an assistant) There was opening time, attendance, play time, nap time and more. You looked at Sundrop and he was preparing the daycare for the kids. You decide to help to be more useful and walk over and carried a cart full of toys for kids

"Here let me help!"
"Thx Y/N we put these over there"
"Also Im curious Luis told me there would be 2 people here working?"
"That would be my brother Moondrop, he's in the FAZ naptime section of the daycare but aside that lets work hard together shall we"
"Mhm" (I wonder why will I meet this Moondrop)

After moving some crakes and fixing the place up it was almost opening time for the daycare and some kids were already outside the door waiting to be opened. You went to the desk to sit down for the remaining time.


Hello Readers I hope this is chapter is longer than the first if you have any ideas for this story let me know and as always

See you soon again Readers💕

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