Chapter 5: During work🔦

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Y/n pov

After the nap time of the kids it was story telling after awhile the kids started to wake up one by one some of the kids still had some saliva in there checks while others had some dirt in there eyes. After we clean the kids up we picked the sleeping mats and went out of the FAZ sleeping zone. Then the kids huddle up around to a certain place Moon was the storyteller. He grabbed a small chair and sit down as he picked up the story book from the shelf and started reading with a gentle voice.

(You guys can skip this part of the story if you want)

There was a mermaid who wished to be on land were humans were. They would always go to the surface level to see humans dancing by the beach side.

Her ocean friends wanted to make the mermaids wish come true for the mermaid being nice to them.

So they asked the ocean goddess for a pearl that can change an aquatic being into a human

The ocean goddess agreed only with one condition. Whoever holds this pearl must come back before sunrise if they do not they will be turned to dust.

There friends agreed and told the mermaid everything. The mermaid squealed with joy and with that she hold the pearl and went to the beach.

And there was it the mermaids very own legs. They could finally run,jump,walk and dance oh they moved happily and joyfully.

Until they meet a fisher they became Good friends and the fisher showed all the wonders of the human world to the mermaid and so did the mermaid showed there world to the fisher.

For the pass few days, months until for a year they fell in love and wanted to be together. But the mermaid must go back to the ocean before sunrise so what did the mermaid do?

They didn't go back to the ocean and went to the fisher and said " I love you" and kissed under the shine of the moonlight with sand under there feet and just like that the mermaid turned to dust.

The fisher was sad as they didn't know what happened but then the fisher felt the mermaid spirit and was at peace.

As the fisher knows that there lover would never leave the them. The End

Moon got up and said "who wants activity time!" The kids replied with all kinds of responses. moon got up from the chair and place the book on a table then guide the kids to the arts and crafts area. "I didn't know moon can be a good storyteller?" I said "well my brother isn't really the best but he does know how to tell a story" sunny said with a grin. We went to the arts and crafts area and moon walk pass sunny and went to me and whispered "see you soon at the move~" sunny playfully punch moon and he went along " I'm sorry if moon's been making you uncomfortable he's quite the player" he said and place his hand on his neck " it's okay I'll just get used to it" we both go to the kids for assistantce for there arts and crafts.

"Y/n! Y/n!" A kids said "Oh Amanda what do you want?" I asked with a smile "Can you help me and sunny were both doing finger paint and I was wondering if you wanted to join us!" She replied with a happy tone "ofc I'll gladly join" Amanda grab my wrist and drag me to there table were sunny is. "Come sit with us y/n" sunny said being joyful as ever. I sat next to Amanda we started finger painting and Amanda suddenly grab my hand and suns and we held hands together "Now you guys are now dating!" Amanda squealed. I blushed and sunny was to. "Hehe Amanda your too young to think about those things. Let's go back to finger painting shall we?" After that it was awkward between the both of us. After arts and crafts it was playtime till the closing or the daycare. Amanda was the last one and wayed at us then we closed the big doors.


Hello fellow Readers 💕
This is all for this chapter and I have no school today but tomorrow I have T - T but anyways I won't be able to post next weekends bcs of exams and assignments are coming in but anyways thanks for your support!

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