Chapter 8: Drama?

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As the movie started Y/n and Moon were still talking about who knows what but both of them were able to entertain each other since they already got bored of the movie even if it just got started

"So what was the relationship of Bitch Queen with sunny?" Y/n asked whispering
"Well that was his ex"
"Ex? Sunny doesn't seem the guy who would date"
"Oh Y/N you just known sunny today. As his brother I know what his cable of"
"Oh? And what exactly is that?" I said with a curious tone and place my hands crossed
"Well his the type that doesn't know himself to the point it surprises me and him. But then his really better than me and I'm even the big brother"
He said smiling
He really loves sunny I thought
"So you have any more questions? because this became and interview"
He chuckled
"Might as well be a journalist but yeah I have one more. How did sunny and Trixie meet?"
"Now that I don't know looking back now I don't think he told me" moon said
Interesting I thought and me and moon watched the movie


"What the fck sunny" the black clothing lady said with an angry to e and tapping her feet on the floor with rage

"And what the hell Trixe!? Plus what the hell are you doing here?!"

"I came to see you obviously sunny! And now your seeing another girl behind my back!" Trixie's eyes were getting teary she was holding back from crying

"Trixie as much I want us to stay friends your making it harder plus we broke up can't you move on?" I sighed frustratedly

"But I didn't agreed we both broke up so we're still practically together!" She pouted then got something out of her medium sized bag "here! I came here because I wanted to give you this!" She handed over a red plastic container inside was a dish

"Wait how did you even know I was here? I didn't tell you...don't tell me your stalking me again" I gave her a disappointed face

"Well no I didn't I was uh- Wandering around and I found you and I had your favorite dish so why not give it to you" she smiled

She's lying to me again

I sighed "well thanks anyways for the food oh and fyi it's not my favorite anymore" I turned back on her and walked along but then I felt a hand grab my wrist

Cold hands... again

"Please...don't leave me again" I turned to her and saw her face. she was tearing up Tear drops were falling from her cheeks and a desperate look on her face " I can't do anything without you sunny... I go crazy without out you" she forced smiled

I removed my hand from her grasp "Please Trixie move on...I don't want to hurt you again and again and certainly not Right now" and walked away living the crying woman alone
Sorry if it's small i hope you enjoy fellow Readers ✨🌻

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